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Stories from August 13, 2010
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1. Oracle sues Google over use of Java in Android (marketwatch.com)
452 points by jbarham on Aug 13, 2010 | 326 comments
2. Hey, Guys, It's Totally Okay If You Don't Get Rich (seattle20.com)
383 points by 3d3mon on Aug 13, 2010 | 219 comments
3. JQuery Mobile Framework Announced (jquerymobile.com)
312 points by crescendo on Aug 13, 2010 | 55 comments
4. Kindle vs. iPad Displays: Up close and personal (bit-101.com)
275 points by pistoriusp on Aug 13, 2010 | 75 comments
5. The shit finally hits the fan....(James Gosling on Oracle vs Google) (nighthacks.com)
188 points by bitboxer on Aug 13, 2010 | 119 comments
6. My short history of Engine Yard and my Resignation (brainspl.at)
183 points by ezmobius on Aug 13, 2010 | 72 comments
7. DuckDuckGo now operates a Tor exit enclave (gabrielweinberg.com)
174 points by phsr on Aug 13, 2010 | 90 comments
8. OpenSolaris is dead (everycity.co.uk)
129 points by mstevens on Aug 13, 2010 | 107 comments
9. Building muscle doesn't require lifting heavy weights (eurekalert.org)
123 points by cwan on Aug 13, 2010 | 98 comments
10. Strangest language feature (stackoverflow.com)
121 points by tszming on Aug 13, 2010 | 77 comments
11. 25 Best Hangman Words (wolfram.com)
114 points by e1ven on Aug 13, 2010 | 27 comments
12. How I Made Money Spamming Twitter with Contextual Book Suggestions (charleshooper.net)
109 points by hoop on Aug 13, 2010 | 69 comments
13. Google, Just Cut The BS And Give The Gordon Gekko Speech Already (techcrunch.com)
109 points by blasdel on Aug 13, 2010 | 55 comments
14. What's happening at Yahoo (wonko.com)
87 points by bluesmoon on Aug 13, 2010 | 37 comments
15. Posterous is being DDoS'd (twitter.com/posterous)
84 points by superjared on Aug 13, 2010 | 45 comments
16. Magic-1 is a homebuilt minicomputer, cpu and all (homebrewcpu.com)
81 points by e1ven on Aug 13, 2010 | 17 comments
17. EFF to Verizon: Etisalat Certificate Authority Threatens Web Security (eff.org)
77 points by gojomo on Aug 13, 2010 | 22 comments
18. Calvin & Hobbes Search Engine (michaelyingling.com)
73 points by dasil003 on Aug 13, 2010 | 27 comments
19. Dear people-who-run-Twitter, whom to follow, whom (twitter.com/victoriacoren)
75 points by ralph on Aug 13, 2010 | 44 comments
20. "Paypal for Groups" Startup WePay (YC S09) Raises $7.5M Series B (mashable.com)
74 points by jazzychad on Aug 13, 2010 | 11 comments
21. Using GNU Screen to perform a command line demo (trolocsis.com)
66 points by rphillips on Aug 13, 2010 | 4 comments
22. Free but Shackled - The Java Trap (gnu.org)
65 points by Rickasaurus on Aug 13, 2010 | 8 comments
23. An introduction to computational linguistics (ncl.ac.uk)
61 points by Tycho on Aug 13, 2010 | 10 comments
24. Initial Thoughts on Oracle vs Google Patent Lawsuit (tirania.org)
59 points by johns on Aug 13, 2010 | 9 comments
25. BankSimple Announces API Plans (banksimple.net)
58 points by seancron on Aug 13, 2010 | 21 comments
26. Ask HN: What if nothing works out?
58 points by sz on Aug 13, 2010 | 52 comments
27. Fred Wilson's vision of a family CRM service (avc.com)
58 points by dchs on Aug 13, 2010 | 34 comments
28. Being unhappy running a successful business (maxkle.in)
58 points by epi0Bauqu on Aug 13, 2010 | 31 comments
29. Flattr is now in open beta (flattr.com)
55 points by cstuder on Aug 13, 2010 | 35 comments
30. Not another CSS Framework (CSS Layouts that always work) (primarycss.com)
51 points by curtisspope on Aug 13, 2010 | 15 comments

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