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Stories from August 14, 2010
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1. How to get a Pilot's License in (just about) a week (davincoburn.com)
180 points by joshwa on Aug 14, 2010 | 58 comments
2. Brilliant talk by John Cleese on creativity. (youtube.com)
170 points by pistoriusp on Aug 14, 2010 | 35 comments
3. Protesters Gather At Google; 600 Employees Sign Petition, Organizers Claim (sfweekly.com)
141 points by mcantelon on Aug 14, 2010 | 102 comments
4. Sorry, Steve: Here's Why Apple Stores Won't Work (2001) (businessweek.com)
138 points by decadentcactus on Aug 14, 2010 | 57 comments
5. Threads (in Ruby): Enough Already (yehudakatz.com)
116 points by wycats on Aug 14, 2010 | 36 comments
6. Scott Aaronson explains his $200k bet (8 Signs A Claimed P≠NP Proof Is Wrong) (scottaaronson.com)
106 points by kam on Aug 14, 2010 | 16 comments
7. Ask HN: How have you learned a speaking language?
95 points by kyro on Aug 14, 2010 | 111 comments
8. America: Land of Loners? (wilsonquarterly.com)
90 points by jamesbritt on Aug 14, 2010 | 26 comments
9. The Python yield keyword explained (stackoverflow.com)
89 points by iamelgringo on Aug 14, 2010 | 14 comments
10. The Oracle-Google Mess (groklaw.net)
85 points by stanleydrew on Aug 14, 2010 | 24 comments
11. Worlds first 20 minute voice call from a Free Software GSM stack on a phone (gnumonks.org)
83 points by bluesmoon on Aug 14, 2010 | 10 comments
12. Barefoot shoes try to outrace the black market (cnn.com)
81 points by edw519 on Aug 14, 2010 | 55 comments
13. Oracle v Google: Why? What does Oracle hope to gain? (redmonk.com)
70 points by bensummers on Aug 14, 2010 | 53 comments
14. The Last Journey of a Genius (video.google.com)
62 points by sr3d on Aug 14, 2010 | 13 comments
15. The End Of Stuff (bitworking.org)
60 points by alexandros on Aug 14, 2010 | 33 comments
16. Hotkeys for Hacker News (dtrejo.com)
59 points by daleharvey on Aug 14, 2010 | 16 comments
17. Ask HN: What can kill Facebook?
57 points by twidlit on Aug 14, 2010 | 123 comments
18. Darwin (programming game) (wikipedia.org)
49 points by Sandman on Aug 14, 2010 | 7 comments
19. Is Portugal's Liberal Drug Policy a Model for US? (aolnews.com)
48 points by cwan on Aug 14, 2010 | 17 comments
20. When Polymorphism Fails (sites.google.com)
44 points by raju on Aug 14, 2010 | 22 comments
21. Ask HN: Sorting massive text files?
44 points by JBerlinsky on Aug 14, 2010 | 68 comments
22. Why most smart people are better at solving other people’s problems… (rajeshsetty.com)
37 points by adammichaelc on Aug 14, 2010 | 55 comments
23. Illumos's response to Oracle killing OpenSolaris (gdamore.blogspot.com)
37 points by mapleoin on Aug 14, 2010 | 11 comments
24. Cobol on cogs (coboloncogs.org)
32 points by catalinist on Aug 14, 2010 | 8 comments
25. The longest tweet? (twitter.com/sskhybrid)
31 points by catalinist on Aug 14, 2010 | 24 comments
26. 4Food: Restaurant adds game mechanics to lunch (nytimes.com)
29 points by jmtame on Aug 14, 2010 | 10 comments
27. Ask HN: Suggestions for Starting with Ruby on Rails?
26 points by NathanKP on Aug 14, 2010 | 19 comments
28. Joe Nocera on Hurd & HP (nytimes.com)
24 points by julius_geezer on Aug 14, 2010 | 3 comments
29. E Ink touts e-readers with color, capacitive touch (linuxfordevices.com)
22 points by surki on Aug 14, 2010 | 3 comments
30. Why Does College Cost So Much? (forbes.com)
19 points by cwan on Aug 14, 2010 | 25 comments

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