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Stories from September 24, 2014
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1. ISRO Mars Orbiter Mission: Spacecraft successfully enters Martian Orbit (isro.gov.in)
1015 points by skbohra123 on Sept 24, 2014 | 154 comments
2. CVE-2014-6271: Remote code execution through bash (seclists.org)
905 points by vault_ on Sept 24, 2014 | 416 comments
3. The biggest thing with small patches (2004) (lkml.org)
392 points by ohmygeek on Sept 24, 2014 | 37 comments
4. Why India's Mars mission is so cheap – and thrilling (bbc.com)
392 points by leephillips on Sept 24, 2014 | 180 comments
5. IBM Watson API (ibm.com)
311 points by miket on Sept 24, 2014 | 84 comments
6. AWS issues unavoidable reboot schedules with short notice on many EC2 instances (amazon.com)
269 points by eknkc on Sept 24, 2014 | 152 comments
7. Datamining a Flat in Munich (funnybretzel.svbtle.com)
239 points by ilovefood on Sept 24, 2014 | 147 comments
8. Rethinking the origins of the universe (unc.edu)
202 points by cyang08 on Sept 24, 2014 | 133 comments
9. Relativistic hash tables (lwn.net)
187 points by yiransheng on Sept 24, 2014 | 46 comments
10. San Diego Researcher Crowdfunding Patent-Free Cancer Drug (timesofsandiego.com)
198 points by udibai on Sept 24, 2014 | 90 comments
11. SlackTextViewController: A new growing text input for iOS (github.com/slackhq)
200 points by bradya on Sept 24, 2014 | 34 comments
12. How to tell when a robot has written you a letter (medium.com/message)
187 points by Thevet on Sept 24, 2014 | 100 comments
13. Cling: an interactive C++ interpreter, built on top of Clang and LLVM (github.com/vgvassilev)
179 points by ColinWright on Sept 24, 2014 | 41 comments
14. Kevin Mitnick Now Selling Zero-Day Exploits (wired.com)
140 points by privong on Sept 24, 2014 | 116 comments
15. Libsodium 1.0.0 released (libsodium.org)
149 points by jedisct1 on Sept 24, 2014 | 41 comments
16. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up (netflix.com)
145 points by edward on Sept 24, 2014 | 35 comments
17. iOS 8.0.1 released, broken on iPhone 6 models, withdrawn (sixcolors.com)
123 points by OberstKrueger on Sept 24, 2014 | 75 comments
18. Introducing Elm Reactor (elm-lang.org)
148 points by michaelbjames on Sept 24, 2014 | 11 comments
19. Mobile Web App Checklist (luster.io)
138 points by coderzach on Sept 24, 2014 | 34 comments
20. Daala: Painting Images for Fun (and Profit?) (xiph.org)
117 points by walrus on Sept 24, 2014 | 25 comments
21. How to Start a Startup Lecture 1: Full Transcript (genius.com)
117 points by nightpool on Sept 24, 2014 | 11 comments
22. How to Squeeze a Huge Ship Down a Tiny River (wired.com)
112 points by sveme on Sept 24, 2014 | 38 comments
23. Bash 'shellshock' scan of the Internet (erratasec.com)
109 points by agwa on Sept 24, 2014 | 38 comments
24. What “technical” concerns do I have with systemd? (lusis.org)
107 points by rossj on Sept 24, 2014 | 98 comments
25. The Surprising Path to a Faster NYTimes.com (speakerdeck.com)
107 points by danso on Sept 24, 2014 | 33 comments
26. Was jquery.com compromised? (jquery.com)
115 points by getdavidhiggins on Sept 24, 2014 | 55 comments
27. Docker Hub Official Repos: Announcing Language Stacks (docker.com)
114 points by zrail on Sept 24, 2014 | 26 comments
28. NGA releases high-resolution elevation data to public (nga.mil)
95 points by liotier on Sept 24, 2014 | 27 comments
29. Following Sony, Samsung has stopped sales of its laptops in Europe (pcadvisor.co.uk)
86 points by benologist on Sept 24, 2014 | 87 comments
30. When It Comes to Facebook Scale, You Can Throw Out the Rulebook (techcrunch.com)
90 points by coreymgilmore on Sept 24, 2014 | 32 comments

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