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Stories from November 26, 2021
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1. Einstein award going to Paul Ginsparg for creating arXiv.org (idw-online.de)
1128 points by endymi0n on Nov 26, 2021 | 97 comments
2. The internet is held together with spit and baling wire (krebsonsecurity.com)
374 points by picture on Nov 26, 2021 | 164 comments
3. Why V7 Unix matters so much (utcc.utoronto.ca)
218 points by zdw on Nov 22, 2021 | 93 comments
4. California port truckers ‘drowning’ in supply chain inefficiencies (freightwaves.com)
256 points by tomohawk on Nov 26, 2021 | 317 comments
5. PyTorch: Where we are headed and why it looks a lot like Julia (but not exactly) (pytorch.org)
265 points by thetwentyone on Nov 26, 2021 | 282 comments
6. Black Friday/Cyber Monday Live Map (shopify.com)
394 points by badcc on Nov 26, 2021 | 109 comments
7. Kropotkin's 'The Conquest of Bread' (awanderingmind.blog)
193 points by awanderingmind on Nov 26, 2021 | 113 comments
8. Microsoft pushes ahead with controversial ‘buy now, pay later’ feature for Edge (portswigger.net)
336 points by feross on Nov 26, 2021 | 291 comments
9. 90% of Black Friday deals were the same price or cheaper six months before (bbc.com)
709 points by belter on Nov 25, 2021 | 225 comments
10. The Humble Brilliance of Italy's Moka Coffee Pot (2018) (atlasobscura.com)
294 points by BerislavLopac on Nov 26, 2021 | 308 comments
11. New in C# 10: Easier Lambda Expressions (dontcodetired.com)
133 points by FairDune on Nov 26, 2021 | 105 comments
12. Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet [pdf] (tug.org)
308 points by truly on Nov 26, 2021 | 63 comments
13. Show HN: Randomly create beautiful website layouts (shuffle.dev)
317 points by kemyd on Nov 26, 2021 | 89 comments
14. Vulnerabilities in chips in 37% of smartphones (checkpoint.com)
172 points by T-A on Nov 25, 2021 | 59 comments
15. Physicists detect signs of neutrinos at Large Hadron Collider (phys.org)
182 points by pseudolus on Nov 26, 2021 | 108 comments
16. Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern (who.int)
297 points by nycdatasci on Nov 26, 2021 | 288 comments
17. Features of PL/I not realized in a modern language (tuhs.org)
97 points by vitplister on Nov 26, 2021 | 100 comments
18. Games for IBM AS/400 (jcrcmds.com)
96 points by remoquete on Nov 26, 2021 | 59 comments
19. GetElementById vs. QuerySelector (wesleyac.com)
147 points by wesleyac on Nov 26, 2021 | 94 comments
20. An Odd Card Trick (chalkdustmagazine.com)
116 points by allthings on Nov 26, 2021 | 43 comments
21. Epidemics Plugin for the UG4 software (github.com/devanshr)
137 points by jonaz3d on Nov 26, 2021 | 46 comments
22. Loopless Code (2006) (jsoftware.com)
136 points by xept on Nov 25, 2021 | 129 comments
23. The Underhanded C Contest (underhanded-c.org)
149 points by wwalexander on Nov 26, 2021 | 11 comments
24. I faked tons of Covid passes – “Weak Key Cryptography in real world” (ctrsec.io)
237 points by jtaft on Nov 26, 2021 | 203 comments
25. Understanding Kafka with Factorio (2019) (ruurtjan.medium.com)
133 points by pul on Nov 22, 2021 | 72 comments
26. Multi-Account Containers to “Exchange messages with programs other than Firefox” (wh0.github.io)
146 points by nabilhat on Nov 26, 2021 | 58 comments
27. On yak shaving and <md-block>, a new HTML element for Markdown (verou.me)
121 points by feross on Nov 26, 2021 | 60 comments
28. RasPBX Installation for Beginners (github.com/matejkovacic)
112 points by madviper on Nov 23, 2021 | 26 comments
29. Samsara S-1 (sec.gov)
113 points by finolex1 on Nov 26, 2021 | 62 comments
30. Facebook ads told me to become a certified cryptozoologist, so I did (vice.com)
128 points by psychanarch on Nov 25, 2021 | 109 comments

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