1. | | I Sell Onions on the Internet (deepsouthventures.com) |
3015 points by eightturn on April 23, 2019 | 435 comments
2. | | Termshark – A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark (termshark.io) |
616 points by gcla on April 23, 2019 | 63 comments
3. | | OpenShot – Open-Source Video Editor (openshot.org) |
494 points by peter_d_sherman on April 23, 2019 | 88 comments
4. | | Court Says Using Chalk on Tires for Parking Enforcement Violates Constitution (npr.org) |
336 points by codezero on April 23, 2019 | 464 comments
5. | | Tech Needs More Conscientious Objectors (nytimes.com) |
306 points by andrewvc on April 23, 2019 | 211 comments
6. | | Relearning Matrices as Linear Functions (dhruvonmath.com) |
294 points by dhruvp on April 23, 2019 | 93 comments
7. | | V8: A Year with Spectre (v8.dev) |
352 points by tosh on April 23, 2019 | 212 comments
8. | | Menstrual Cups Help Keep Kenyan Girls in School (spiegel.de) |
300 points by Tomte on April 22, 2019 | 98 comments
9. | | Ultra Low Latency WebRTC Streaming – Open-Source Media Server (antmedia.io) |
263 points by selim17 on April 23, 2019 | 68 comments
10. | | Cadence: Uber's Workflow Orchestration Engine (github.com/uber) |
243 points by vruiz on April 23, 2019 | 85 comments
11. | | Leisure Is Our Killer App (sloanreview.mit.edu) |
280 points by sarapeyton on April 23, 2019 | 115 comments
12. | | Is Amazon Violating U.S. Antitrust Laws? (inthesetimes.com) |
260 points by walterbell on April 23, 2019 | 147 comments
13. | | A book to learn R and Python in parallel for Data Science (github.com/rnorm) |
286 points by zelda_1 on April 22, 2019 | 88 comments
14. | | Modern C++ Won't Save Us (alexgaynor.net) |
326 points by neptvn on April 22, 2019 | 388 comments
15. | | Show HN: WAPM – Package Manager for WebAssembly (wapm.io) |
171 points by syrusakbary on April 23, 2019 | 78 comments
16. | | I Can't Do Anything for Fun Anymore; Every Hobby Is an Attempt to Make Money (bennettnotes.com) |
488 points by _davebennett on April 23, 2019 | 327 comments
17. | | How the Kleiner Perkins Empire Fell (fortune.com) |
201 points by walterbell on April 23, 2019 | 52 comments
18. | | Why don't we have Wayland on Raspberry Pi yet? (2018) (joshondesign.com) |
184 points by bpierre on April 23, 2019 | 250 comments
19. | | Rust – Compile Time Memory Safety (kkimdev.github.io) |
175 points by kkimdev on April 23, 2019 | 86 comments
20. | | A PHP Compiler, a.k.a. the FFI Rabbit Hole (ircmaxell.com) |
139 points by ingve on April 23, 2019 | 64 comments
21. | | A Complete Formal Semantics of x86-64 User-Level Instruction Set Architecture (illinois.edu) |
119 points by matt_d on April 23, 2019 | 27 comments
22. | | Nils Nilsson has died (twitter.com/ylecun) |
216 points by villgax on April 23, 2019 | 21 comments
23. | | Green Material for Refrigeration Identified (cam.ac.uk) |
177 points by vezycash on April 23, 2019 | 73 comments
24. | | Compress Objects, Not Cache Lines: An Object-Based Compressed Memory Hierarchy (acm.org) |
92 points by nabla9 on April 21, 2019 | 1 comment
25. | | I'm one of the inventors of RSS and I need your help to reboot the Internet (getpolarized.io) |
428 points by burtonator on April 23, 2019 | 157 comments
26. | | Graph Convolutional Networks (2016) (tkipf.github.io) |
168 points by azthecx on April 23, 2019 | 16 comments
27. | | EU votes to create gigantic biometrics database (zdnet.com) |
258 points by donohoe on April 22, 2019 | 190 comments
28. | | They think they are above the law: the firms who own America's voting system (theguardian.com) |
256 points by wallace_f on April 23, 2019 | 193 comments
29. | | Fighting vendor lock-in and designing testable serverless apps (vacationtracker.io) |
144 points by slobodan_ on April 23, 2019 | 111 comments
30. | | Andy Grove's Paranoia: Universal Lessons (1996) (hbr.org) |
72 points by tosh on April 21, 2019 | 19 comments
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