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Stories from September 9, 2015
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1. Neocities is implementing IPFS – distributed, permanent web (ipfs.io)
632 points by stesch on Sept 8, 2015 | 235 comments
2. Apple Unveils the iPad Pro (techcrunch.com)
446 points by salimmadjd on Sept 9, 2015 | 842 comments
3. Apache NiFi (apache.org)
319 points by awjr on Sept 9, 2015 | 88 comments
4. Lisp in Your Language (danthedev.com)
215 points by codecurve on Sept 9, 2015 | 76 comments
5. An Apple ISA is coming (adriansampson.net)
278 points by samps on Sept 9, 2015 | 165 comments
6. The Hellburner Was the Renaissance Equivalent of a Tactical Nuclear Weapon (warisboring.com)
229 points by vinnyglennon on Sept 9, 2015 | 74 comments
7. Flexbox in 5 minutes (flexboxin5.com)
197 points by spking on Sept 8, 2015 | 45 comments
8. PyPy warmup improvements (morepypy.blogspot.com)
166 points by hencq on Sept 9, 2015 | 17 comments
9. CloudFlare and Google Cloud Platform (cloudflare.com)
181 points by jgrahamc on Sept 9, 2015 | 126 comments
10. ShaderFrog – Create and compose shaders in your browser (shaderfrog.com)
122 points by throughnothing on Sept 9, 2015 | 16 comments
11. We Need the Right to Repair Our Gadgets (wsj.com)
220 points by sinak on Sept 9, 2015 | 123 comments
12. TvOS for Developers (developer.apple.com)
165 points by strzalek on Sept 9, 2015 | 164 comments
13. Programming R at native speed using Haskell (tweag.io)
145 points by psibi on Sept 9, 2015 | 27 comments
14. BB-8 Droid Teardown (fictiv.com)
128 points by fictivmade on Sept 9, 2015 | 21 comments
15. Visualizing machine learning (r2d3.us)
170 points by snickmy on Sept 9, 2015 | 22 comments
16. Free Data Science Books (learndatasci.com)
331 points by LearnDataSci on Sept 9, 2015 | 57 comments
17. Show HN: A game engine for the terminal in Go (github.com/joelotter)
109 points by JayOtter on Sept 9, 2015 | 4 comments
18. Magic PNG Thumbnails (thume.ca)
111 points by trishume on Sept 9, 2015 | 41 comments
19. Chef Software Raises $40M in Series E Funding (chef.io)
73 points by GrinningFool on Sept 9, 2015 | 33 comments
20. Philippines to Roll Out Nationwide Free Wi-Fi Service by 2016 (bloomberg.com)
70 points by lxm on Sept 8, 2015 | 53 comments
21. Google in Kansas City: A Tale of Two-Speed America (ft.com)
87 points by wyclif on Sept 9, 2015 | 80 comments
22. What Makes Uber Run (fastcompany.com)
91 points by doppp on Sept 9, 2015 | 67 comments
23. NIST Physicists Show ‘Molecules’ Made of Light May Be Possible (nist.gov)
77 points by brisance on Sept 9, 2015 | 17 comments
24. New Discoveries Could Explain What Happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke (gizmodo.com)
59 points by hunglee2 on Sept 9, 2015 | 1 comment
25. How We Support 1,650 Customers with One Representative (statuspage.io)
91 points by duaneb on Sept 9, 2015 | 19 comments
26. Intel to End Sponsorship of Science Talent Search (nytimes.com)
63 points by pbhowmic on Sept 9, 2015 | 21 comments
27. Fun with Software-Defined Radios: Mapping the Spectrum in the Mission, SF (medium.com/beeplabs)
67 points by slewis on Sept 9, 2015 | 14 comments
28. Norris Numbers (teamten.com)
90 points by ingve on Sept 9, 2015 | 26 comments
29. What is code? (economist.com)
80 points by wyclif on Sept 9, 2015 | 53 comments
30. Microsoft battles US over warrant for drugs case emails (bbc.com)
112 points by ryan_j_naughton on Sept 9, 2015 | 35 comments

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