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Stories from November 27, 2016
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1. Let's Colonize Titan (scientificamerican.com)
521 points by aburan28 on Nov 27, 2016 | 495 comments
2. Learning to Read X86 Assembly Language (patshaughnessy.net)
591 points by adamnemecek on Nov 27, 2016 | 234 comments
3. Rents are plunging in the most expensive U.S. markets (businessinsider.com)
371 points by apsec112 on Nov 26, 2016 | 335 comments
4. The Unsound Playground: Java and Scala's Type Systems are Unsound (livecode.ch)
206 points by theemathas on Nov 27, 2016 | 124 comments
5. Low social status 'can damage immune system' (bbc.com)
203 points by happy-go-lucky on Nov 26, 2016 | 66 comments
6. Researchers: Artificial Sweeteners Prevent Weight Loss (dw.com)
186 points by rhapsodic on Nov 26, 2016 | 92 comments
7. Probabilistic Programming (cornell.edu)
234 points by ingve on Nov 27, 2016 | 29 comments
8. AnyBar: OS X menubar status indicator (github.com/tonsky)
296 points by tosh on Nov 27, 2016 | 63 comments
9. The Holy Trinity: Logic, Languages, Categories (2011) (existentialtype.wordpress.com)
111 points by rpbertp13 on Nov 27, 2016 | 49 comments
10. Base-122 – A space efficient alternative to base-64 (kevinalbs.com)
191 points by kevinAlbs on Nov 27, 2016 | 66 comments
11. Steven Strogatz on chaos theory, game theory, and why math isn’t boring (businessinsider.com)
192 points by stpapa on Nov 27, 2016 | 65 comments
12. Lambdoku – AWS Lambda with Heroku-like Experience (github.com/kubek2k)
128 points by kubek2k on Nov 27, 2016 | 43 comments
13. Three Software Freedoms (naughtycomputer.uk)
76 points by xylon on Nov 27, 2016 | 58 comments
14. Immer: immutable and persistent data structures for C++ (github.com/arximboldi)
144 points by ingve on Nov 27, 2016 | 45 comments
15. Best Practices for Time Travelers (2003) (idlewords.com)
189 points by swatkat on Nov 27, 2016 | 76 comments
16. Show HN: World class unlimited email hosting for all your domains from $4/month (migadu.com)
336 points by dejan on Nov 27, 2016 | 182 comments
17. Blender 2.8 project status (blender.org)
138 points by buovjaga on Nov 27, 2016 | 75 comments
18. Effective learning: Rules of formulating knowledge (1999) (supermemo.com)
130 points by misiti3780 on Nov 27, 2016 | 35 comments
19. Show HN: Storing your bookmarks under revision control (github.com/skx)
181 points by stevekemp on Nov 27, 2016 | 39 comments
20. How Cassini Will Begin Its Date with Death on Saturn (nytimes.com)
64 points by my_first_acct on Nov 27, 2016 | 27 comments
21. Mail-in-a-Box – one-click, easy-to-deploy email server (github.com/mail-in-a-box)
188 points by avinassh on Nov 27, 2016 | 90 comments
22. TrueOS Pico – FreeBSD ARM/RPi Thin Clients (trueos.org)
90 points by mboroi on Nov 27, 2016 | 23 comments
23. The legacy of Ada Lovelace (2015) (1843magazine.com)
58 points by mxschumacher on Nov 27, 2016 | 10 comments
24. A Brilliant Mind’s Pauses: The Fiction of Pushkin (lareviewofbooks.org)
76 points by benbreen on Nov 27, 2016 | 6 comments
25. Bach and the musical Möbius strip (maths.org)
94 points by CarolineW on Nov 27, 2016 | 9 comments
26. New XPS 13 Developer Edition Lands in Europe, United States and Canada (bartongeorge.io)
257 points by gfortaine on Nov 27, 2016 | 308 comments
27. HP 3000 Series 33: 16-bits of Sapphire (cpushack.com)
55 points by protomyth on Nov 27, 2016 | 14 comments
28. Wal-Mart's Dallas optical lab loses over 90 jobs to automation (dallasnews.com)
82 points by hourislate on Nov 27, 2016 | 14 comments
29. Google’s AMP is a gilded cage (shkspr.mobi)
257 points by robin_reala on Nov 27, 2016 | 124 comments
30. Choke Point of a Nation: The High Cost of an Aging River Lock (nytimes.com)
67 points by jseliger on Nov 27, 2016 | 56 comments

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