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Stories from August 7, 2014
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1. Don't be a jerk
333 points by ColinWright on Aug 7, 2014 | 130 comments
2. Questions about Nasa's space drive answered (wired.co.uk)
285 points by ColinWright on Aug 7, 2014 | 196 comments
3. Go 1.4+ Garbage Collection Plan and Roadmap (golang.org)
281 points by crawshaw on Aug 7, 2014 | 178 comments
4. New Site Recovers Files Locked by Cryptolocker Ransomware (krebsonsecurity.com)
278 points by Albuca on Aug 7, 2014 | 41 comments
5. Oak Island Money Pit: Unsolved Mystery (oakislandmoneypit.com)
243 points by trevin on Aug 7, 2014 | 116 comments
6. Introducing Heroku Button (heroku.com)
247 points by ovechtrick on Aug 7, 2014 | 44 comments
7. A Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (ahlfeldt.se)
203 points by adamcarson on Aug 7, 2014 | 28 comments
8. Russia extends Snowden residency by three years (bbc.co.uk)
207 points by graeham on Aug 7, 2014 | 184 comments
9. The Worst API Ever Made? (mollyrocket.com)
195 points by AndyKelley on Aug 7, 2014 | 80 comments
10. The US Intelligence Community has a Third Leaker (schneier.com)
204 points by ademarre on Aug 7, 2014 | 63 comments
11. HTTPS as a ranking signal (googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com)
197 points by cleverjake on Aug 7, 2014 | 206 comments
12. Rich Kid, Poor Kid: For 30 Years, Baltimore Study Tracked Who Gets Ahead (npr.org)
190 points by acalmon on Aug 7, 2014 | 181 comments
13. Bikanta’s (YC S14) Tiny Diamonds Find Cancer Before It Spreads (techcrunch.com)
179 points by paul on Aug 7, 2014 | 66 comments
14. Hacker Redirects Traffic From 19 Internet Providers to Steal Bitcoins (wired.com)
171 points by muneeb on Aug 7, 2014 | 64 comments
15. GCC and LLVM collaboration (uiuc.edu)
172 points by valarauca1 on Aug 7, 2014 | 4 comments
16. IBM Chip Processes Data Similar to the Way Your Brain Does (technologyreview.com)
169 points by finisterre on Aug 7, 2014 | 57 comments
17. An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers [pdf] (ibm.com)
163 points by nreece on Aug 7, 2014 | 18 comments
18. CloudFlare enabling free SSL by mid-October (cloudflare.com)
154 points by moonboots on Aug 7, 2014 | 61 comments
19. Japanese Retrofuturism and Chrono Trigger (theappendix.net)
131 points by benbreen on Aug 7, 2014 | 70 comments
20. Draft spec for records and pattern-matching in C# (codeplex.com)
122 points by colinramsay on Aug 7, 2014 | 38 comments
21. Building the Firefox browser for Firefox OS (hacks.mozilla.org)
143 points by rnyman on Aug 7, 2014 | 47 comments
22. If I ever design a first course in compilers, I'll do it backwards (pozorvlak.dreamwidth.org)
116 points by luu on Aug 7, 2014 | 39 comments
23. A game engine for building online adaptations of board and card games (dice.com)
112 points by SunTzu55 on Aug 7, 2014 | 33 comments
24. Don't Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice (2011) (kalzumeus.com)
102 points by ColinWright on Aug 7, 2014 | 44 comments
25. Making of April Zero: Part 2 (aprilzero.com)
111 points by aprilzero on Aug 7, 2014 | 19 comments
26. One mystery less, or how to get the “undumpable” ROM content dumped
102 points by mmastrac on Aug 7, 2014 | 12 comments
27. How Design Thinking Transformed Airbnb Into a Billion Dollar Business (firstround.com)
104 points by ASquare on Aug 7, 2014 | 45 comments
28. My history with Forth and stack machines (2010) (yosefk.com)
99 points by mbrubeck on Aug 7, 2014 | 17 comments
29. The future of MIT education looks more global, modular, and flexible (newsoffice.mit.edu)
88 points by ilamont on Aug 7, 2014 | 22 comments
30. How I won a domain at auction and now it's been stolen back from me (medium.com/jm)
87 points by jeremymcanally on Aug 7, 2014 | 31 comments

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