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Stories from October 10, 2008
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1. Obama to eliminate all cap gains taxes for VCs and entrepreneurs
82 points by Alex3917 on Oct 10, 2008 | 91 comments
2. Sequoia Capital’s 56 Slide Presentation Of Doom (techcrunch.com)
79 points by jasonlbaptiste on Oct 10, 2008 | 36 comments
3. I’m Still Going Long and Hoping the Markets Go Down (blogmaverick.com)
46 points by Anon84 on Oct 10, 2008 | 68 comments
4. Web Based Rich Text Editors Compared (bulletproofbox.com)
44 points by jwilliams on Oct 10, 2008 | 19 comments
5. Verizon kills the SMS market singlehandedly (mobileindustryreview.com)
43 points by jkopelman on Oct 10, 2008 | 18 comments
6. Google Employees Watch In Horror As 60 Percent Of Their Stock Options Drown (techcrunch.com)
42 points by nickb on Oct 10, 2008 | 29 comments
7. All You Zombies— The most craziest of the time travel paradoxes (wikipedia.org)
42 points by reazalun on Oct 10, 2008 | 21 comments
8. Mark Shuttleworth: It’s a solvency problem, not a liquidity problem (markshuttleworth.com)
41 points by ash on Oct 10, 2008 | 31 comments
9. Two Things Design Experts Do That Novices Don’t (noisebetweenstations.com)
40 points by lliles on Oct 10, 2008 | 9 comments
10. Fear is the mind killer of the Silicon Valley Entrepreneur (500hats.typepad.com)
40 points by bootload on Oct 10, 2008 | 21 comments
11. 20 Places to Find Your Next Web Development Job (sitepoint.com)
37 points by sitepoint on Oct 10, 2008 | 11 comments
12. WiFi is no longer a viable secure connection (scmagazineuk.com)
34 points by prakash on Oct 10, 2008 | 19 comments
13. Some Unix Tricks (transmit.net)
34 points by kirubakaran on Oct 10, 2008 | 9 comments
14. Ask HN: Where do you turn for graphics/design work?
28 points by yourabi on Oct 10, 2008 | 26 comments
15. The general economic importance of banks has been highly exaggerated (nytimes.com)
28 points by robg on Oct 10, 2008 | 8 comments
16. Advice for job seekers (colorful language) (craigslist.org)
27 points by henning on Oct 10, 2008 | 12 comments
17. Sins of Commissions (inc.com)
26 points by mqt on Oct 10, 2008 | 15 comments
18. Sequoia's "RIP Good Times" presentation (on SlideShare) (slideshare.net)
23 points by tlrobinson on Oct 10, 2008 | 2 comments
19. Mathematicians Illuminate Deep Connection Between Classical And Quantum Physics (sciencedaily.com)
22 points by robg on Oct 10, 2008 | 3 comments
20. Tim O'Reilly to software developers: Get serious (latimes.com)
22 points by nickb on Oct 10, 2008 | 5 comments
21. Poll: How many hours of sleep do you get each day?
19 points by eru on Oct 10, 2008 | 36 comments
22. BW: VCs to Entrepreneurs: Seed-Stage Startups OK. Others? Not So Much (businessweek.com)
19 points by aschobel on Oct 10, 2008
23. AI Box experiment. Would you let it out? (yudkowsky.net)
19 points by jsmcgd on Oct 10, 2008 | 9 comments
24. Make An Average Face [image processing demo] (faceresearch.org)
19 points by eru on Oct 10, 2008 | 9 comments
25. Brokers Hand on Their Faces Site (brokershandsontheirfacesblog.tumblr.com)
19 points by raheemm on Oct 10, 2008 | 10 comments
26. Ask YC: How did you pop the question? (to your co-founders)
17 points by wheels on Oct 10, 2008 | 12 comments
27. Motivation = Decision before Action — ‘How do I Get in Shape?’–Excercise Hacks for Entrepreneurs (davidadewumi.com)
17 points by wumi on Oct 10, 2008 | 6 comments
28. Success with OpenSolaris + ZFS + MySQL in production (smugmug.com)
14 points by onethumb on Oct 10, 2008 | 3 comments
29. Facebook and the “Duke Nukem Forever” of Business Models (allthingsd.com)
14 points by nickb on Oct 10, 2008 | 12 comments
30. BackType (YC Summer 08) Releases API (backtype.com)
13 points by omakase on Oct 10, 2008 | 10 comments

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