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Stories from February 2, 2017
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1. To Live Your Best Life, Do Mathematics (quantamagazine.org)
538 points by digital55 on Feb 2, 2017 | 231 comments
2. How Children Lost the Right to Roam in Just 4 Generations (freerangekids.com)
556 points by bootload on Feb 2, 2017 | 520 comments
3. Snap Inc. S-1 (sec.gov)
465 points by harryh on Feb 2, 2017 | 311 comments
4. Online migrations at scale (stripe.com)
268 points by hepha1979 on Feb 2, 2017 | 56 comments
5. Visual Studio Code 1.9 (visualstudio.com)
451 points by jrwiegand on Feb 2, 2017 | 293 comments
6. Announcing Rust 1.15 (rust-lang.org)
461 points by steveklabnik on Feb 2, 2017 | 90 comments
7. Circuit building: stop using antique parts (2014) (sensitiveresearch.com)
197 points by 6581 on Feb 2, 2017 | 165 comments
8. Israel’s Tech Firms Do Business in Saudi Arabia Quietly (bloomberg.com)
204 points by gavman on Feb 2, 2017 | 137 comments
9. Show HN: Posters of Your GitHub Contributions (commitprint.com)
235 points by aarondf on Feb 2, 2017 | 76 comments
10. Computer Science Education (google.com)
369 points by dr_linux on Feb 2, 2017 | 234 comments
11. How to use Deep Learning when you have Limited Data (medium.com/nanonets)
252 points by sarthakjain on Feb 2, 2017 | 50 comments
12. John Carmack on expert witnesses and 'non literal' copying (facebook.com)
505 points by samlittlewood on Feb 2, 2017 | 316 comments
13. How automakers can drive electrified vehicle sales and profitability (mckinsey.com)
161 points by basitmakine on Feb 2, 2017 | 194 comments
14. Classic NES Series Anti-Emulation Measures (mgba.io)
209 points by kibwen on Feb 1, 2017 | 75 comments
15. St – A simple terminal implementation for X (suckless.org)
274 points by pmoriarty on Feb 2, 2017 | 217 comments
16. Git-scm.com status report (marc.info)
157 points by cnst on Feb 2, 2017 | 106 comments
17. JSMpeg – Decode It Like It's 1999 (jsmpeg.com)
235 points by phoboslab on Feb 2, 2017 | 78 comments
18. Circuit simulator and schematic capture tool (everycircuit.com)
247 points by ntrischi on Feb 2, 2017 | 58 comments
19. ‘Abusing’ the C switch statement – beauty is in the eye of the beholder (feabhas.com)
237 points by ingve on Feb 2, 2017 | 147 comments
20. Think OS: A Brief Introduction to Operating Systems (greenteapress.com)
257 points by edgarvm on Feb 2, 2017 | 18 comments
21. Lychee identified as cause for mystery deadly childhood illness in India (abc.net.au)
270 points by adamnemecek on Feb 2, 2017 | 82 comments
22. Introducing PureScript Erlang back end (nwolverson.uk)
174 points by pka on Feb 2, 2017 | 31 comments
23. From PS4 to 1.44 MB Floppy: Porting Retro City Rampage to MS-DOS [video] (gamasutra.com)
204 points by adgasf on Feb 2, 2017 | 25 comments
24. Hacker News Highlights: January 2017 (blog.ycombinator.com)
160 points by craigcannon on Feb 2, 2017 | 24 comments
25. The woes of Windows 10 (economist.com)
165 points by hourislate on Feb 2, 2017 | 464 comments
26. Probabilistic Models of Cognition (probmods.org)
173 points by pizza on Feb 2, 2017 | 16 comments
27. Ask HN: What's your top growth strategy that helped grow your startup?
369 points by jiblyyyy on Feb 2, 2017 | 158 comments
28. Stop Disabling SELinux: A Real-World Guide (sam.today)
236 points by samtoday on Feb 2, 2017 | 139 comments
29. CoVim – Collaborative Editing for Vim (github.com/fredkschott)
142 points by JepZ on Feb 1, 2017 | 22 comments
30. Show HN: AutoMIDIFlip – An automatic MIDI flipper (automidiflip.com)
75 points by Sophira on Feb 2, 2017 | 33 comments

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