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Stories from November 15, 2015
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1. Julia Computing Granted $600k by Moore Foundation (moore.org)
251 points by one-more-minute on Nov 14, 2015 | 128 comments
2. The Birth of ZFS [video] (youtube.com)
152 points by bcantrill on Nov 15, 2015 | 58 comments
3. Opposition to Facebook's new internet.org (techinasia.com)
280 points by williswee on Nov 15, 2015 | 136 comments
4. Sigma.js: a JavaScript library for graph drawing (sigmajs.org)
201 points by tlack on Nov 15, 2015 | 34 comments
5. Desk: A lightweight workspace manager for the shell (github.com/jamesob)
124 points by ingve on Nov 14, 2015 | 26 comments
6. Scheme to transform a remote island into the new Dubai (theguardian.com)
64 points by pmcpinto on Nov 14, 2015 | 34 comments
7. Run containers on bare metal already [video] (youtube.com)
131 points by tdurden on Nov 15, 2015 | 35 comments
8. Intel 4004 is announced, November 15, 1971 (edn.com)
113 points by ColinWright on Nov 15, 2015 | 30 comments
9. Canada's Muzzled Scientists Can Speak Freely Again (vice.com)
170 points by mathgenius on Nov 14, 2015 | 71 comments
10. Kashmir: A statically typed Lispy language compiling to Go (owickstrom.github.io)
182 points by owickstrom on Nov 15, 2015 | 71 comments
11. The Making of Gyroscope Running, a React Native App (gyrosco.pe)
135 points by robbiet480 on Nov 13, 2015 | 22 comments
12. In the 1960s, hundreds of pounds of uranium went missing in Pennsylvania (foreignpolicy.com)
93 points by aburan28 on Nov 13, 2015 | 32 comments
13. The Original EPCOT Project: Walt Disney's prototype community (sites.google.com)
73 points by singold on Nov 13, 2015 | 32 comments
14. How Tracking Protection Works in Firefox (cloud.geek.nz)
94 points by ronjouch on Nov 14, 2015 | 41 comments
15. How Filipino WWII Soldiers Were Written Out of History (priceonomics.com)
114 points by miciah on Nov 14, 2015 | 32 comments
16. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Spectral Graph Theory: A Confluence [video] (simons.berkeley.edu)
72 points by espeed on Nov 15, 2015 | 7 comments
17. Appleā€™s App Store Gets a Smarter Search Engine (techcrunch.com)
62 points by timeuser on Nov 15, 2015 | 10 comments
18. How I Work with Color (medium.com/justinmezzell)
119 points by arash_milani on Nov 13, 2015 | 7 comments
19. Show HN: ClojureScript REPL within Excel (github.com/cfelde)
83 points by theocs on Nov 15, 2015 | 10 comments
20. What will be the legacy of Go? (cheney.net)
101 points by clessg on Nov 14, 2015 | 107 comments
21. The Secret Life of Photons: Simulating 2D Light Transport (benedikt-bitterli.me)
76 points by davidbarker on Nov 14, 2015 | 11 comments
22. Ne: the nice editor (unimi.it)
130 points by znpy on Nov 13, 2015 | 51 comments
23. The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dominance of the Stubborn Minority [pdf] (dropboxusercontent.com)
135 points by kawera on Nov 14, 2015 | 52 comments
24. Suckless conference 2015 (suckless.org)
77 points by vezzy-fnord on Nov 14, 2015 | 59 comments
25. Software Totemism (250bpm.com)
79 points by rumcajz on Nov 14, 2015 | 46 comments
26. Pythran: A Python subset to C++ compiler that takes advantage of SIMD (github.com/serge-sans-paille)
51 points by maxmouchet on Nov 15, 2015 | 20 comments
27. The 85 ways to tie a tie (cam.ac.uk)
48 points by DanBC on Nov 14, 2015 | 12 comments
28. Learning Scalaz (eed3si9n.com)
49 points by lelf on Nov 14, 2015 | 3 comments
29. Traveling from China to Europe on a cargo ship (aljazeera.com)
54 points by kareemm on Nov 13, 2015 | 22 comments
30. Wayward satellites repurposed to test general relativity (nature.com)
44 points by DrScump on Nov 14, 2015

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