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Stories from January 30, 2013
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1. Are Placebos Really Sugar Pills? (asserttrue.blogspot.com)
471 points by techdog on Jan 30, 2013 | 138 comments
2. Rubygems.org compromised (rubygems.org)
405 points by benmmurphy on Jan 30, 2013 | 158 comments
3. Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server will have Git support (msdn.com)
395 points by logictrip on Jan 30, 2013 | 213 comments
4. Elon Musk: Boeing 787 battery fundamentally unsafe (flightglobal.com)
369 points by aaronbrethorst on Jan 30, 2013 | 242 comments
5. The sound of the dialup, pictured (windytan.blogspot.com)
363 points by randomdrake on Jan 30, 2013 | 46 comments
6. Our First Node.js App: Backbone on the Client and Server (airbnb.com)
224 points by AirbnbNerds on Jan 30, 2013 | 61 comments
7. High Performance Networking in Google Chrome (igvita.com)
216 points by igrigorik on Jan 30, 2013 | 42 comments
8. How I Failed, Failed, and Finally Succeeded at Learning How to Code (theatlantic.com)
188 points by ColinWright on Jan 30, 2013 | 61 comments
9. Aaron Swartz (economist.com)
187 points by hoag on Jan 30, 2013 | 35 comments
10. I give permission for IBM [...] to use JSLint for evil. (hasenj.org)
186 points by huhtenberg on Jan 30, 2013 | 55 comments
11. Julian Assange to run for Australian Senate (theage.com.au)
180 points by gavinballard on Jan 30, 2013 | 115 comments
12. A Parable (virginia.edu)
171 points by gsg on Jan 30, 2013 | 77 comments
13. Ruby deploys temporarily disabled (heroku.com)
173 points by ujeezy on Jan 30, 2013 | 93 comments
14. A student's grandmother is far more likely to die just before an exam (psu.edu)
157 points by DK007 on Jan 30, 2013 | 54 comments
15. ZenPen (zenpen.io)
155 points by nosecreek on Jan 30, 2013 | 62 comments
16. RIM Changes Company Name to BlackBerry (bloomberg.com)
137 points by youngerdryas on Jan 30, 2013 | 77 comments
17. Who Does Skype Let Spy? (schneier.com)
117 points by mikegerwitz on Jan 30, 2013 | 65 comments
18. Office 2013: Just what on earth has the Office team been doing? (arstechnica.com)
109 points by evo_9 on Jan 30, 2013 | 99 comments
19. Howler.js - Lightweight Javascript library for Web Audio and HTML5 Audio (goldfirestudios.com)
109 points by james33 on Jan 30, 2013 | 27 comments
20. Computer Scientists Find New Shortcuts for Traveling Salesman Problem (simonsfoundation.org)
108 points by co_pl_te on Jan 30, 2013 | 5 comments
21. The BlackBerry, Rebuilt, Lives to Fight Another Day (nytimes.com)
103 points by interconnector on Jan 30, 2013 | 85 comments
22. Booting Linux using UEFI can brick Samsung laptops (h-online.com)
103 points by fuzzix on Jan 30, 2013 | 54 comments
23. US Senator says games are a bigger problem than guns (arstechnica.com)
93 points by Swifty on Jan 30, 2013 | 107 comments
24. The 787's Problems Run Deeper Than Outsourcing (hbr.org)
92 points by hype7 on Jan 30, 2013 | 53 comments
25. Do What You Love? Screw That (inc.com)
90 points by giis on Jan 30, 2013 | 97 comments
26. First mega.co.nz indexer and search engine (mega-search.me)
88 points by agopaul on Jan 30, 2013 | 72 comments
27. Show HN: Launch your own hosted SelfStarter without writing a line of code (crowdhoster.com)
89 points by knighthacker on Jan 30, 2013 | 31 comments
28. Erlang/OTP R16A has been released (erlang.org)
84 points by rlander on Jan 30, 2013 | 27 comments
29. WebGL 3D Globe to visualize real-time site traffic (gosquared.com)
86 points by simontabor on Jan 30, 2013 | 18 comments
30. The Factory Floor: Picking (and Maintaining) a Partner (bunniestudios.com)
76 points by dfox on Jan 30, 2013 | 7 comments

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