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Stories from September 7, 2019
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1. Joi Ito Resigns from M.I.T. Media Lab After Outcry over Jeffrey Epstein Ties (nytimes.com)
806 points by Anon84 on Sept 7, 2019 | 694 comments
2. Malicious attack on Wikipedia – what we know and what we’re doing (wikimediafoundation.org)
610 points by app4soft on Sept 7, 2019 | 294 comments
3. India Loses Contact with Probe Just as It Prepares to Land on Moon (wsj.com)
361 points by Anon84 on Sept 7, 2019 | 255 comments
4. Stellarium: A free open-source planetarium for your computer (stellarium.org)
445 points by smacktoward on Sept 7, 2019 | 56 comments
5. CSRF is really dead (scotthelme.co.uk)
313 points by psanford on Sept 6, 2019 | 113 comments
6. Goodreads Is Broken (onezero.medium.com)
468 points by lxm on Sept 7, 2019 | 288 comments
7. From FOMO to JOMO: the joy of missing out (nesslabs.com)
318 points by anthilemoon on Sept 7, 2019 | 73 comments
8. Favorite Interview Questions (firstround.com)
322 points by feifan on Sept 6, 2019 | 128 comments
9. M.I.T. Media Lab concealed its relationship with Jeffrey Epstein (newyorker.com)
468 points by donohoe on Sept 7, 2019 | 263 comments
10. Troubles with the AWS web console (reddit.com)
359 points by curtis on Sept 7, 2019 | 233 comments
11. Workers Are Fleeing Big Cities for Small Ones, and Taking Their Jobs with Them (wsj.com)
286 points by ericmay on Sept 7, 2019 | 334 comments
12. Door blows off Boeing 777X during stress test (komonews.com)
181 points by ephesee on Sept 7, 2019 | 113 comments
13. Show HN: A simple Unix-like operating system that runs Doom (github.com/ozkl)
233 points by ozkl on Sept 7, 2019 | 42 comments
14. Toy Stories: Children around the world with their most prized possessions (gabrielegalimberti.com)
192 points by bookofjoe on Sept 7, 2019 | 68 comments
15. New micro-robots can break apart and remove biofilm or plaque from a tooth (humanbioscience.org)
144 points by techben on Sept 7, 2019 | 43 comments
16. How a deadly fall revealed CIA secrets (theguardian.com)
190 points by ljf on Sept 6, 2019 | 86 comments
17. How China is Cashing in on Group Chats (a16z.com)
142 points by jmsflknr on Sept 7, 2019 | 44 comments
18. Book Summary: The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly (durmonski.com)
60 points by durmonski on Sept 7, 2019 | 16 comments
19. Exim – remote attacker can execute programs with root privileges (exim.org)
142 points by EMM_386 on Sept 7, 2019 | 69 comments
20. The days are long but the decades are short (2015) (samaltman.com)
193 points by hvo on Sept 7, 2019 | 33 comments
21. The Technical Evolution of Vannevar Bush’s Memex (2008) (digitalhumanities.org)
51 points by benbreen on Sept 6, 2019 | 4 comments
22. Writing papers for American college students has become lucrative overseas (nytimes.com)
107 points by _ttg on Sept 7, 2019 | 117 comments
23. The True Size Of (thetruesize.com)
155 points by slowhand09 on Sept 6, 2019 | 49 comments
24. New ways to make vertical farming stack up (economist.com)
83 points by jkuria on Sept 6, 2019 | 58 comments
25. What’s it like to live on less than $2 a day? (gatesnotes.com)
192 points by undefined1 on Sept 7, 2019 | 156 comments
26. Driving an Ambulance in the Age of Narcan (hazlitt.net)
166 points by bookofjoe on Sept 5, 2019 | 145 comments
27. NYC Subway is replacing printed maps with low-resolution digital maps (twitter.com/nyctsubway)
151 points by danso on Sept 6, 2019 | 172 comments
28. Why Americans pay more for lunch than Britons do (economist.com)
106 points by blowski on Sept 6, 2019 | 198 comments
29. American Tycoons Created the Dinosaur (nautil.us)
30 points by dnetesn on Sept 6, 2019 | 10 comments
30. LabStack: Multi-language programming playground (labstack.com)
53 points by vishr on Sept 7, 2019 | 13 comments

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