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Stories from October 3, 2010
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1. Let's get Salman Khan (khanacademy.org) on the TED stage (alexisohanian.com)
225 points by maheshs on Oct 3, 2010 | 42 comments
2. The Social Network Bust: What I learned from my job interview with Facebook (thebitsource.com)
199 points by msacks on Oct 3, 2010 | 86 comments
3. Your content is distracting users from ads (fi.am)
197 points by DumbledoreSnipe on Oct 3, 2010 | 49 comments
4. Ask HN: Good books?
181 points by bherms on Oct 3, 2010 | 167 comments
5. Hunter S. Thompson's brutally honest Canadian job request (ottawacitizen.com)
138 points by rbxbx on Oct 3, 2010 | 49 comments
6. Tell HN: Read Maxim and other trashy "guy" rags.
117 points by mahmud on Oct 3, 2010 | 57 comments
7. Ask HN: Living overseas with a profitable online business
113 points by SteveC on Oct 3, 2010 | 95 comments
8. Mark Zuckerberg's Most Valuable Friend (nytimes.com)
108 points by wallflower on Oct 3, 2010 | 29 comments
9. Wheretheladies.at Shows You Where The Ladies Are At (techcrunch.com)
107 points by bkudria on Oct 3, 2010 | 59 comments
10. How HTML5 came into existence. (diveintohtml5.org)
99 points by AndrewDucker on Oct 3, 2010 | 14 comments
11. Sir, can you help me with this? (goodmenproject.com)
98 points by sprout on Oct 3, 2010 | 55 comments
12. David Byrne: Don't Forget the Motor City (davidbyrne.com)
95 points by jericsinger on Oct 3, 2010 | 23 comments
13. How we got 100,000 visitors without noticing (historio.us)
80 points by stavros on Oct 3, 2010 | 51 comments
14. Web designer from Argentina realigns new Twitter. (rodrigogalindez.com)
71 points by armandososa on Oct 3, 2010 | 14 comments
15. BlindType has been acquired by Google (blindtype.com)
70 points by Uncle_Sam on Oct 3, 2010 | 18 comments
16. Ask HN: Learning advanced math
70 points by linhir on Oct 3, 2010 | 42 comments
17. Let's do more computer science (scripting.com)
69 points by davewiner on Oct 3, 2010 | 24 comments
18. JQuery Webcam Plugin - Communicate with a webcam directly from JS (xarg.org)
67 points by benjaminfox on Oct 3, 2010 | 25 comments
19. If Web 1.0’s Kryptonite Was the Bust, Web 2.0 Kryptonite Was the Grind (techcrunch.com)
62 points by thiele on Oct 3, 2010 | 15 comments
20. Subtle bug in Google can get you banned
61 points by jacquesm on Oct 3, 2010 | 28 comments
21. Ask HN: How do you decide which idea to start on?
56 points by newsisan on Oct 3, 2010 | 33 comments
22. Adventures of developing an MP3 decoder in Python (portalfire.wordpress.com)
56 points by IgorPartola on Oct 3, 2010 | 28 comments
23. A few key problems in Redis persistence (antirez.com)
51 points by wglb on Oct 3, 2010 | 4 comments
24. The OS Doesn’t Matter… (mondaynote.com)
49 points by mjfern on Oct 3, 2010 | 66 comments
25. Ask HN: How do Hackers kill time when bored on weekend?
49 points by ashitvora on Oct 3, 2010 | 95 comments
26. Ask HN: What does everyone use for a referral system?
49 points by expertcs on Oct 3, 2010 | 20 comments
27. The Postmortem (Fred Wilson's opinion about Wesabe) (avc.com)
48 points by bjonathan on Oct 3, 2010 | 1 comment
28. List of statutory minimum employment leave by country (wikipedia.org)
48 points by Ras_ on Oct 3, 2010 | 52 comments
29. The real reason "Wesabe lost" (to Mint) (davidglarson.com)
47 points by QuantumGood on Oct 3, 2010 | 41 comments
30. Something, Something, Something, Detroit (viceland.com)
46 points by evo_9 on Oct 3, 2010 | 15 comments

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