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Stories from April 4, 2020
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1. Startups are pummeled in the ‘great unwinding’ (nytimes.com)
496 points by haasted on April 4, 2020 | 421 comments
2. Yet another novel I will no longer write (antipope.org)
304 points by ttepasse on April 4, 2020 | 169 comments
3. How We reduced our Google Maps API cost (cityflo.com)
430 points by haybanusa on April 3, 2020 | 163 comments
4. The highest paid athlete of all time was a Roman Charioteer (thevintagenews.com)
240 points by hckr_nj on April 4, 2020 | 151 comments
5. Show HN: I built a service to discover and monitor rapidly growing trends (treendly.com)
343 points by mikerubini on April 4, 2020 | 115 comments
6. Show HN: 33 line React (leontrolski.github.io)
418 points by leontrolski on April 4, 2020 | 156 comments
7. How to trim video clips instantly without reencoding (bernd.dev)
277 points by verst on April 4, 2020 | 111 comments
8. How Gov.uk Notify reliably sends text messages to users (gds.blog.gov.uk)
264 points by robin_reala on April 4, 2020 | 92 comments
9. Ask HN: Best practices for ethical web scraping?
270 points by aspyct on April 4, 2020 | 107 comments
10. Rust Dataframe: Update 1 (github.com/nevi-me)
147 points by nevi-me on April 4, 2020 | 75 comments
11. Sewage could reveal true scale of coronavirus outbreak (scientificamerican.com)
184 points by plcancel on April 4, 2020 | 58 comments
12. How I lost control of our bank accounts to a phone scammer (robservatory.com)
203 points by miles on April 3, 2020 | 139 comments
13. Show HN: Live Program Notes for Schubert Sonata in B-Flat (liveprogramnotes.com)
82 points by zweinz on April 4, 2020 | 19 comments
14. Thanks to Bookshop, indies stand a chance against Amazon (insidehook.com)
152 points by fraXis on April 3, 2020 | 82 comments
15. Show HN: A site to keep track of critters you can catch in Animal Crossing (ac-catch.com)
182 points by sawyerjhood on April 4, 2020 | 45 comments
16. Bug bounty platforms buy researcher silence, violate labor laws, critics say (csoonline.com)
119 points by keydutch on April 3, 2020 | 45 comments
17. Zoom will enable waiting rooms by default to stop Zoombombing (techcrunch.com)
148 points by vpontis on April 3, 2020 | 49 comments
18. IETF Response to “LS on New IP, Shaping Future Network” (ietf.org)
124 points by polymorph1sm on April 4, 2020 | 54 comments
19. Rare Second World War Footage of Bletchley Park Emerges (theregister.co.uk)
141 points by sohkamyung on April 4, 2020 | 17 comments
20. PostgreSQL's Imperfections (medium.com/rbranson)
331 points by chmaynard on April 4, 2020 | 134 comments
21. The Xenobots, Virtual Creatures Brought to Life (nytimes.com)
107 points by vo2maxer on April 4, 2020 | 6 comments
22. Gainesville, Florida, put its internal emails online with few limits (montgomeryadvertiser.com)
141 points by danso on April 3, 2020 | 34 comments
23. Why Amazon got out of the Apple App Store tax and other developers won’t (theverge.com)
292 points by jedimind on April 4, 2020 | 284 comments
24. Clues to Covid-19 coronavirus’s vulnerability emerge from antibody against SARS (scripps.edu)
151 points by kungfudoi on April 4, 2020 | 62 comments
25. “Murder Most Foul” and the haunting of America (mitpress.mit.edu)
49 points by tintinnabula on April 4, 2020 | 34 comments
26. Show HN: Log-Scale Covid-19 Plots (bitbucket.org/kkd)
110 points by 6b6b64 on April 3, 2020 | 70 comments
27. Ask HN: What do you use to keep track of bookmarks/notes/snippets?
315 points by danaw on April 4, 2020 | 245 comments
28. A secretive group trying to bring down North Korea’s regime (msn.com)
127 points by chatmasta on April 4, 2020 | 48 comments
29. Deep-sea worms and bacteria team up to harvest methane (phys.org)
60 points by dnetesn on April 4, 2020 | 5 comments
30. Exercise by club swinging in the 19th century (publicdomainreview.org)
67 points by apollinaire on April 2, 2020 | 74 comments

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