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Stories from April 21, 2013
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1. Ruby is too slow for programming competitions (clifreeder.com)
274 points by ClifReeder on April 21, 2013 | 236 comments
2. Cognitive Overhead, Or Why Your Product Isn’t As Simple As You Think (techcrunch.com)
240 points by pg on April 21, 2013 | 73 comments
3. The Last Question (case.edu)
219 points by wskinner on April 21, 2013 | 63 comments
4. What's Tylenol Doing to Our Minds? (theatlantic.com)
218 points by BruceM on April 21, 2013 | 148 comments
5. Writing device drivers in Linux: A brief tutorial (2006) (freesoftwaremagazine.com)
186 points by seangarita on April 21, 2013 | 33 comments
6. The Clown Car Technique for Responsive Images (github.com/estelle)
181 points by joshuacc on April 21, 2013 | 32 comments
7. Show HN: jsdares – learning programming visually (jsdares.com)
177 points by janpaul123 on April 21, 2013 | 39 comments
8. In India, 'no frills' hospitals offer $800 heart surgery (globalpost.com)
171 points by OGinparadise on April 21, 2013 | 108 comments
9. Diving into AngularJS (floatleft.com)
167 points by appleton on April 21, 2013 | 46 comments
10. A Primer on IPv4, IPv6 and Transition (potaroo.net)
134 points by p1mrx on April 21, 2013 | 123 comments
11. Open Sans, how do we love thee? (blog.wordpress.com)
132 points by neeee on April 21, 2013 | 75 comments
12. Factor 0.96 now available – over 1,100 commits (re-factor.blogspot.com)
129 points by mrjbq7 on April 21, 2013 | 64 comments
13. The other side of "academic freedom" (matt-welsh.blogspot.com)
124 points by phenylene on April 21, 2013 | 56 comments
14. Beautiful Pacific Crest Trail Journals (thehikeguy.com)
124 points by bigalo93 on April 21, 2013 | 24 comments
15. Brian Kernighan's Advanced Programming Techniques Class at Princeton (princeton.edu)
121 points by jenningsjason on April 21, 2013 | 38 comments
16. The Deadly Corruption of Clinical Trials (motherjones.com)
111 points by kumarski on April 21, 2013 | 59 comments
17. What Makes Rain Smell So Good? (smithsonianmag.com)
107 points by bigalo93 on April 21, 2013 | 23 comments
18. ‘Human computer’ Shakuntala Devi has died (thehindu.com)
107 points by sindhiparsani on April 21, 2013 | 29 comments
19. Peter Molyneux may have just monetized trolling (gamasutra.com)
104 points by laurent123456 on April 21, 2013 | 71 comments
20. Nikola Tesla’s Predictions for the 21st Century (smithsonianmag.com)
106 points by imdhmd on April 21, 2013 | 32 comments
21. Facial Recognition Failed in Boston Bombing (ipvm.com)
98 points by jhonovich on April 21, 2013 | 98 comments
22. B-Heap vs. Binary Heap (2010) (acm.org)
99 points by boyd on April 21, 2013 | 20 comments
23. Ask HN: Suggestions for spacewalk procedure writing?
96 points by jamesmontalvo3 on April 21, 2013 | 36 comments
24. Reverse Kickstarter – shows real sales stats (twolivesleft.com)
91 points by mrcharles on April 21, 2013 | 34 comments
25. SSL And The Future Of Authenticity (thoughtcrime.org)
90 points by gnosis on April 21, 2013 | 48 comments
26. The Matasano Crypto Challenges (matasano.com)
87 points by greyman on April 21, 2013 | 34 comments
27. Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections (youtube.com)
84 points by ConceitedCode on April 21, 2013 | 71 comments
28. Show HN: Tweetspiration – let Twitter brainstorm ideas for you (tweetspiration.com)
82 points by jellyksong on April 21, 2013 | 36 comments
29. Programming is Like a Dream (independentdeveloper.com)
78 points by JacksonGariety on April 21, 2013 | 12 comments
30. Show HN: Hosted IRC for Teams (my first startup) (teamrelaychat.nl)
74 points by pepijndevos on April 21, 2013 | 69 comments

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