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Stories from June 8, 2008
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1. JK Rowling's Commencement speech at Harvard (youtube.com)
70 points by ashwinl on June 8, 2008 | 29 comments
2. A Spellchecker Used to Be a Major Feat of Software Engineering (dadgum.com)
47 points by breily on June 8, 2008 | 22 comments
3. Scalable Network Programming (scribd.com)
41 points by kirubakaran on June 8, 2008 | 27 comments
4. Why did China’s scientific innovation, once so advanced, suddenly collapse? (economist.com)
38 points by robg on June 8, 2008 | 40 comments
5. Some Consulting Wisdom I Picked Up (lostechies.com)
36 points by nickb on June 8, 2008 | 3 comments
6. Ask PG: Your new book on Startups?
30 points by prakash on June 8, 2008 | 23 comments
7. Cosmology in Ten Minutes (einfall.wordpress.com)
24 points by DaniFong on June 8, 2008 | 3 comments
8. Ask HN: Bet the farm. Python or PHP?
24 points by t0pj on June 8, 2008 | 103 comments
9. Programming salaries based on language (theunixgeek.blogspot.com)
23 points by nickb on June 8, 2008 | 19 comments
10. The Man Who Couldn't Read "California" (upenn.edu)
17 points by gruseom on June 8, 2008 | 1 comment
11. Hans Reiser Offers To Lead Cops to Nina's Body (wired.com)
19 points by tx on June 8, 2008 | 9 comments
12. Slide Says It's Done Releasing New Facebook Apps (alleyinsider.com)
19 points by nickb on June 8, 2008 | 6 comments
13. $1 Bus with WiFi, Beats $4 Gas (time.com)
18 points by lakeeffect on June 8, 2008 | 11 comments
14. Three Rules for Startup Success (learntoduck.com)
16 points by luccastera on June 8, 2008 | 2 comments
15. Number of neurons doesn't explain superiority of the human brain (esciencenews.com)
12 points by FiReaNG3L on June 8, 2008 | 5 comments
16. The Economy: Why It’s Worse Than You Think (newsweek.com)
13 points by theoneill on June 8, 2008 | 7 comments
17. Google Earth Beaten By Autorendering From Photos (slashdot.org)
12 points by kirubakaran on June 8, 2008 | 2 comments
18. Most Ridiculous Site Ever? Upgrading Entire Internet To Web 2.0 in One Click (cashblasterpro.com)
11 points by jasonlbaptiste on June 8, 2008 | 15 comments
19. Ask YC: agressive non-compete/non-solicitation agreement
10 points by andreyf on June 8, 2008 | 25 comments
20. Digital Forensics: 5 Ways to Spot a Fake Photo (sciam.com)
10 points by echair on June 8, 2008 | 6 comments
21. The Breakfast Manifesto: The New Science of the Loneliest Meal (nymag.com)
9 points by robg on June 8, 2008 | 8 comments
22. Unit tests for Google App Engine apps (appenginefan.com)
8 points by nickb on June 8, 2008
23. Getting started with gnuplot (math-blog.com)
8 points by acangiano on June 8, 2008 | 2 comments
24. Twitter prepares for Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference (blog.twitter.com)
8 points by raghus on June 8, 2008 | 7 comments
25. Best online CSS tutorial/class?
8 points by lennysan on June 8, 2008 | 11 comments
26. Do a stack trace of the human cognitive algorithms that produce debates about 'free will'. (overcomingbias.com)
8 points by kf on June 8, 2008
27. Nim Chimpsky: the chimp who thought he was a boy (telegraph.co.uk)
8 points by hhm on June 8, 2008
28. There are currently two 8-year old children with 3 parents each (newscientist.com)
7 points by ca98am79 on June 8, 2008 | 3 comments
29. Any tips for integrating sms into your web app ?
7 points by mhidalgo on June 8, 2008 | 9 comments
30. Warner Music Group Pulls Music from Last.fm (wired.com)
7 points by kyro on June 8, 2008 | 1 comment

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