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Stories from December 15, 2011
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1. Microsoft decides to automatically update Internet Explorer for everyone (geek.com)
626 points by ukdm on Dec 15, 2011 | 171 comments
2. The nightmarish SOPA hearings (washingtonpost.com)
592 points by elliottcarlson on Dec 15, 2011 | 166 comments
3. I'm starting to think LEGO is evil (sinker.tumblr.com)
398 points by Sukotto on Dec 15, 2011 | 283 comments
4. Google Awarded Driverless Vehicle Patent (uspto.gov)
245 points by meadhikari on Dec 15, 2011 | 95 comments
5. Horseshit - Joshua Topolsky responds to MG & Gruber (theverge.com)
241 points by divy on Dec 15, 2011 | 164 comments
6. Linux flavors and derivatives tree (futurist.se)
229 points by jacquesm on Dec 15, 2011 | 64 comments
7. Bug Prediction at Google (google-engtools.blogspot.com)
216 points by nl on Dec 15, 2011 | 65 comments
8. Sergey Brin, et al. to U.S. Government: Do Not Emulate These Oppressive Nations (greyreview.com)
208 points by zhiQ on Dec 15, 2011 | 85 comments
9. The Command Line Crash Course Controlling Your Computer From The Terminal (learncodethehardway.org)
204 points by goodweeds on Dec 15, 2011 | 87 comments
10. Report: Iran Hacked, Hijacked U.S. Drone (csmonitor.com)
202 points by thematt on Dec 15, 2011 | 126 comments
11. Hacking Google for Fun and Profit (andrewcantino.com)
184 points by tectonic on Dec 15, 2011 | 16 comments
12. Live video of House SOPA hearing (house.gov)
162 points by alex1 on Dec 15, 2011 | 68 comments
13. Judge gives Universal Music 24 hours to explain takedown spree (arstechnica.com)
163 points by gldalmaso on Dec 15, 2011 | 33 comments
14. Metaclasses in Python (stackoverflow.com)
158 points by fogus on Dec 15, 2011 | 30 comments
15. It’s Instant (dwolla.com)
151 points by sant0sk1 on Dec 15, 2011 | 83 comments
16. Riak Handbook (riakhandbook.com)
147 points by jeremymcanally on Dec 15, 2011 | 16 comments
17. Fake App Becomes Real (techcrunch.com)
133 points by davislover on Dec 15, 2011 | 19 comments
18. Strangest Language Features (stackoverflow.com)
129 points by antoviaque on Dec 15, 2011 | 73 comments
19. Why big companies fail to keep talent (forbes.com/sites/ericjackson)
119 points by vm on Dec 15, 2011 | 67 comments
20. French President’s Residence ‘Busted’ For BitTorrent Piracy (torrentfreak.com)
118 points by llambda on Dec 15, 2011 | 41 comments
21. Startup escape path (swombat.com)
117 points by tomh- on Dec 15, 2011 | 32 comments
22. Canonical to remove all Sun JDK packages from the Partner archive (ubuntu.com)
115 points by smn on Dec 15, 2011 | 93 comments
23. Billions worth of value created by tech startups with designer co-founders? (designerfund.com)
129 points by quique on Dec 15, 2011 | 83 comments
24. Chrome 15 Is Now World’s Most Popular Browser (Version) (browserfame.com)
113 points by twapi on Dec 15, 2011 | 74 comments
25. Understanding lvalues and rvalues in C and C++ (thegreenplace.net)
100 points by wglb on Dec 15, 2011 | 29 comments
26. Windows Live Messenger supports XMPP (windowsteamblog.com)
96 points by mweibel on Dec 15, 2011 | 39 comments
27. Learn Knockout.js in 30 minutes (knockoutjs.com)
95 points by aymeric on Dec 15, 2011 | 24 comments
28. Louis C.K's email to his Beacon Theater Show customers (danwin.com)
92 points by danso on Dec 15, 2011 | 37 comments
29. How Fab Raised $40 million with a lot of data and not much pain (betashop.com)
89 points by betashop on Dec 15, 2011 | 19 comments
30. New AWS Region in Sao Paulo, Brazil (aws.typepad.com)
86 points by jeffbarr on Dec 15, 2011 | 57 comments

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