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Stories from December 31, 2007
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1. Rails is a Ghetto... [NSFW for Language] (zedshaw.com)
94 points by raju on Dec 31, 2007 | 68 comments
2. Something new for the New Year: SearchYC.com (searchyc.com)
48 points by chengmi on Dec 31, 2007 | 22 comments
3. Happy New Year!
31 points by terpua on Dec 31, 2007 | 40 comments
4. The world is not so flat, God of Visas edition (pmarca.com)
14 points by nickb on Dec 31, 2007 | 9 comments
5. How to Lose Your Job on Your Own Time, Thanks To Internet (nytimes.com)
13 points by nickb on Dec 31, 2007 | 2 comments
6. To those that have, shall be given (economist.com)
13 points by mynameishere on Dec 31, 2007 | 7 comments
7. My Year of Living Dangerously (russellbeattie.com)
12 points by raghus on Dec 31, 2007 | 8 comments
8. Does one have to be a genius to do maths? (terrytao.wordpress.com)
10 points by hhm on Dec 31, 2007 | 3 comments
9. Elastic Comet Scalability (on EC2) (cometdaily.com)
10 points by heyadayo on Dec 31, 2007
10. Australia Joins China In Censoring The Internet (techcrunch.com)
7 points by nickb on Dec 31, 2007
11. Choosing a Distributed Version Control System (dribin.org)
7 points by iamelgringo on Dec 31, 2007 | 1 comment
12. A paid online service that will make up convincing lies for you. (usaweekend.com)
7 points by chaostheory on Dec 31, 2007 | 3 comments
13. Has web development become any easier? How, or why not?
6 points by Tichy on Dec 31, 2007 | 10 comments
14. The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science (chronicle.com)
5 points by hhm on Dec 31, 2007 | 1 comment
15. Story of how spam started (economist.com)
5 points by nickb on Dec 31, 2007
16. 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Take Your Business Idea and "Throw It Out There" (howtogetbusinessideas.com)
4 points by nickb on Dec 31, 2007
17. Yahoo Exec Souders To Google; Yahoo to Zero? (alleyinsider.com)
4 points by raghus on Dec 31, 2007 | 4 comments
18. Hoosgot: LazyWeb For The Twitter Generation (mashable.com)
4 points by terpua on Dec 31, 2007 | 1 comment
19. Will Apple Upset the Rental Cart? (businessweek.com)
4 points by nickb on Dec 31, 2007
20. New Blackberry 9000 in iPhone Black? (techcrunch.com)
4 points by nickb on Dec 31, 2007 | 3 comments
21. MIT's Open courseware expanding to other top tier schools (wired.com)
3 points by iamelgringo on Dec 31, 2007 | 1 comment
22. Exploring Python Bytecode (thermalnoise.wordpress.com)
3 points by kradic on Dec 31, 2007
23. 33 Steps to Moving (your startup) Abroad [Checklist] (onwebapps.com)
3 points by sbraford on Dec 31, 2007
24. Who Is The Openest Of Them All? (techcrunch.com)
3 points by transburgh on Dec 31, 2007
25. How to Think Like a (Python) Programmer (greenteapress.com)
3 points by kradic on Dec 31, 2007
26. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry (ems-ph.org)
2 points by wyclif on Dec 31, 2007
27. Ask YC: Has anyone programmed with NLP software?
2 points by cellis on Dec 31, 2007
28. PayPal Founder Peter Thiel Invests in Hooja (mashable.com)
2 points by terpua on Dec 31, 2007
29. MySQL clustering strategies and comparisions (linuxsutra.blogspot.com)
2 points by iamelgringo on Dec 31, 2007
30. Pipelines Using Fibers in Ruby 1.9 (pragprog.com)
2 points by gps408 on Dec 31, 2007

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