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Stories from December 30, 2007
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1. Man, weather.com really sucks. I bet I could make a better one in a day. (forecaster.ws)
57 points by carpal on Dec 30, 2007 | 48 comments
2. Ask YC: How to prevent social news sites from devolving?
29 points by iamelgringo on Dec 30, 2007 | 36 comments
3. The One Thing In Life You Can Control - Effort (blogmaverick.com)
26 points by reitzensteinm on Dec 30, 2007 | 4 comments
4. Ask News.YC: What are your top news sources?
20 points by rokhayakebe on Dec 30, 2007 | 39 comments
5. Jaron Lanier: "Long Live Closed-Source Software!" (discovermagazine.com)
17 points by hhm on Dec 30, 2007 | 25 comments
6. The Inanity of Airport "Security" (nytimes.com)
17 points by gruseom on Dec 30, 2007 | 6 comments
7. Einstein's derivation of E=mc^2 (terrytao.wordpress.com)
13 points by hhm on Dec 30, 2007 | 2 comments
8. When are YC Summer 2008 Applications open?
11 points by danw on Dec 30, 2007 | 12 comments
9. Coding Horror: An Inalienable Right to Privacy (codinghorror.com)
11 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
10. No More Procrastinating: Instant Rails 2.0 Released (rubyforge.org)
10 points by joeguilmette on Dec 30, 2007 | 4 comments
11. Baidu CFO Shawn Wang dies in accident (reuters.com)
10 points by staunch on Dec 30, 2007
12. RIAA sues man for ripping his own CDs (washingtonpost.com)
7 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
13. 10 Reasons the Age of Finite State Machines is Over (aigamedev.com)
7 points by hhm on Dec 30, 2007 | 2 comments
14. Pattern matching in metalua (metalua.blogspot.com)
6 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
15. A/B testing prevents scurvy! (25hoursaday.com)
6 points by socmoth on Dec 30, 2007 | 3 comments
16. You just can't quit Napster. Literally (valleywag.com)
5 points by transburgh on Dec 30, 2007 | 1 comment
17. Famesource.com: Meet the guys hiring fake Indian users (valleywag.com)
5 points by transburgh on Dec 30, 2007
18. Gmail To Offer Friend Updates? (techcrunch.com)
4 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
19. Tied Up in Knots: Why are knots so pervasive? (sciencenews.org)
4 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
20. I think my brain just exploded (enfranchisedmind.com)
4 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
21. Old Smalltalk Pics From PARC Place (squeak.org)
3 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
22. Optimus Tactus keyboard from Artemy Lebedev (artlebedev.com)
3 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
23. High Performance Ajax Applications (slideshare.net)
3 points by gruseom on Dec 30, 2007
24. Microsoft Using YouTube To Promote Vista & Live, Leaves Comments Open (techcrunch.com)
3 points by nickb on Dec 30, 2007
25. Economist: Best and worst of a prime year for business news (economist.com)
2 points by jagjit on Dec 30, 2007
26. The Ron Paul astroturfers in action (they have no sense of humor) (reddit.com)
2 points by henning on Dec 30, 2007 | 2 comments
27. Clojure Running on OLPC. LISP for Teenies! (jonathanwatmough.com)
2 points by watmough on Dec 30, 2007
28. MySpace's Tom Get Hacked? (myspace.com)
2 points by Metzae on Dec 30, 2007 | 3 comments
29. Coral reefs operate free-market economy: fish cleaning stations (newscientist.com)
2 points by zoltz on Dec 30, 2007 | 2 comments
30. Ask YC: I have an idea for a physical puzzle requiring electronics - how should I proceed?
2 points by amichail on Dec 30, 2007 | 10 comments

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