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Stories from August 23, 2011
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1. Deck.js: A JavaScript library for building modern HTML presentations. (imakewebthings.github.com)
391 points by toni on Aug 23, 2011 | 60 comments
2. Codecademy Surges To 200,000 Users, 2.1 Million Lessons Completed In 72 Hours (techcrunch.com)
358 points by zds on Aug 23, 2011 | 75 comments
3. A letter from _why (aberant.tumblr.com)
318 points by fakelvis on Aug 23, 2011 | 96 comments
4. Samsung cites Kubrick's "2001" as Prior Art in Patent Case Against Apple (macrumors.com)
283 points by dvdhsu on Aug 23, 2011 | 110 comments
5. Google Fiber: 151Mbps down / 92Mbps up (geek.com)
235 points by 11031a on Aug 23, 2011 | 150 comments
6. Introducing WebAPI (hacks.mozilla.org)
218 points by sylvinus on Aug 23, 2011 | 41 comments
7. How Karma Should Be Measured (nashcoding.com)
211 points by tansey on Aug 23, 2011 | 67 comments
8. 37signals: A/B testing part 3: Finalé (37signals.com)
181 points by wlll on Aug 23, 2011 | 58 comments
9. China airs documentary proving military university is hacking U.S. targets (geek.com)
176 points by bjonathan on Aug 23, 2011 | 91 comments
10. Today I launched my solo project, Listry. Feedback/suggestions appreciated (listry.com)
174 points by Spines11 on Aug 23, 2011 | 80 comments
11. How to get $12 billion of gold to Venezuela (reuters.com)
171 points by pathik on Aug 23, 2011 | 123 comments
12. Announcing Amazon ElastiCache - Managed Memcached (amazon.com)
163 points by cardmagic on Aug 23, 2011 | 35 comments
13. Y Combinator Unloads Massive New Batch of Start-Ups (allthingsd.com)
155 points by dbul on Aug 23, 2011 | 56 comments
14. Why Are Finland's Schools Successful? (smithsonianmag.com)
148 points by mebe on Aug 23, 2011 | 85 comments
15. PyPy - We need Software Transactional Memory (morepypy.blogspot.com)
135 points by j4mie on Aug 23, 2011 | 63 comments
16. Facebook announces new privacy and tagging model (facebook.com)
133 points by thurn on Aug 23, 2011 | 33 comments
17. Slovenia gets transparent by revealing all government spending via Supervizor (funkykaraoke.com)
130 points by tomazstolfa on Aug 23, 2011 | 18 comments
18. Rob Pike on regular expressions in lexing and parsing (commandcenter.blogspot.com)
128 points by jeffreymcmanus on Aug 23, 2011 | 39 comments
19. SeatGeek Blog: What An Earthquake Does To Page Load Time (seatgeek.com)
123 points by acslater00 on Aug 23, 2011 | 29 comments
20. The Incredible Things NASA Did to Train Apollo Astronauts (wired.com)
113 points by ColinWright on Aug 23, 2011 | 17 comments
21. Fallen out of love with LinkedIn? (swiss-miss.com)
129 points by ckarltorp on Aug 23, 2011 | 80 comments
22. The Semantic Grid System: Page Layout For Tomorrow (smashingmagazine.com)
109 points by joshuacc on Aug 23, 2011 | 24 comments
23. What You Don't Get About the Job Search: Voices of the Jobless (theatlantic.com)
108 points by mvs on Aug 23, 2011 | 184 comments
24. Fukushima Robot Operator Writes Tell-All Blog (ieee.org)
109 points by eguizzo on Aug 23, 2011 | 9 comments
25. Amazon, Dropbox, Google and You Win in Cloud-Music Copyright Decision (wired.com)
105 points by radley on Aug 23, 2011 | 32 comments
26. The Due Diligence Survival Guide (jacquesmattheij.com)
92 points by wspruijt on Aug 23, 2011 | 8 comments
27. Google closes Android developer complaint forums (theregister.co.uk)
86 points by jen_h on Aug 23, 2011 | 35 comments
28. TimeHub. Create invoices from Github commits (timehub.net)
87 points by nhocki on Aug 23, 2011 | 14 comments
29. Dear HP: Please Keep Making Those TouchPads (techcrunch.com)
79 points by ayanb on Aug 23, 2011 | 38 comments
30. Arq 2 (OS X backup-to-S3 software) has been released. (haystacksoftware.com)
75 points by cylo on Aug 23, 2011 | 29 comments

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