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Haystack Arq Now Backups to Amazon Cloud Drive (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by drchiu on July 6, 2015 | past
Arq Backs Up to Google Cloud Storage Nearline (haystacksoftware.com)
6 points by superchink on March 17, 2015 | past
Arq Backs Up to Google Cloud Storage Nearline (haystacksoftware.com)
32 points by aaronbee on March 15, 2015 | past
Where’s the Export My Stuff button in this app? (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by sreitshamer on March 4, 2015 | past
Arq Backs Up to Your Dropbox Account (haystacksoftware.com)
4 points by sreitshamer on Feb 23, 2015 | past
It's not about the encryption. It's about the encryption keys (haystacksoftware.com)
27 points by sreitshamer on Oct 16, 2014 | past
Arq backs up to Google Drive storage (haystacksoftware.com)
48 points by sreitshamer on Aug 12, 2014 | past | 11 comments
Why you shouldn’t sell apps through iTunes (haystacksoftware.com)
9 points by sreitshamer on June 11, 2014 | past | 10 comments
Arq 4 SFTP critical issue (haystacksoftware.com)
2 points by skrause on April 9, 2014 | past
Arq 4 is out – Mac backup to S3/Glacier (haystacksoftware.com)
127 points by michaelx on March 3, 2014 | past | 101 comments
Why I used Java Servlets Instead of Rails (haystacksoftware.com)
2 points by WoodenChair on March 1, 2014 | past | 1 comment
Arq 4 Beta (haystacksoftware.com)
75 points by chmars on Feb 10, 2014 | past | 22 comments
Please Build a MIME/IMAP-Backed Note-Taking App (haystacksoftware.com)
2 points by sreitshamer on Oct 29, 2013 | past
Why Arq uses Amazon Web Services (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by gglanzani on Oct 22, 2013 | past
5 lessons learned from starting and running an indie software business (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by cpeterso on Sept 18, 2013 | past
Diff-based restore with Arq (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by sreitshamer on June 13, 2013 | past
Not cool! Software update turns a v2 paid app to v3 trial with a paywall. (haystacksoftware.com)
2 points by bangbang on Nov 9, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Arq (Mac backup) now works with Glacier (haystacksoftware.com)
157 points by sreitshamer on Nov 6, 2012 | past | 84 comments
Configuring Arq Using an Answer File (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by superchink on June 15, 2012 | past
7 facets of a good (Mac) backup strategy (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by masnick on April 15, 2012 | past
7 facets of a good backup strategy (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by sreitshamer on Jan 23, 2012 | past
Arq 2 (OS X backup-to-S3 software) has been released. (haystacksoftware.com)
75 points by cylo on Aug 23, 2011 | past | 29 comments
Open-source Arq restore utility released (haystacksoftware.com)
1 point by sreitshamer on April 6, 2010 | past
Online backup to S3 for the Mac (haystacksoftware.com)
60 points by sreitshamer on March 8, 2010 | past | 52 comments

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