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Stories from September 12, 2011
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1. New Boston Globe website design (bostonglobe.com)
424 points by ra88it on Sept 12, 2011 | 109 comments
2. The Long Grind Before You Become an Overnight Success (viniciusvacanti.com)
365 points by inmygarage on Sept 12, 2011 | 80 comments
3. PostgreSQL 9.1 released (postgresql.org)
284 points by wulczer on Sept 12, 2011 | 45 comments
4. LucasFilm Tells Darth Vader that Return of the Jedi Hasn’t Made a Profit (slashfilm.com)
242 points by thinker on Sept 12, 2011 | 82 comments
5. Kendo UI - a framework for modern HTML UI (kendoui.com)
201 points by fbnt on Sept 12, 2011 | 89 comments
6. MongoDB 2.0 Released (mongodb.org)
215 points by meghan on Sept 12, 2011 | 76 comments
7. Rule #1 for beta invites: remind me what you do (scottkle.in)
185 points by scootklein on Sept 12, 2011 | 21 comments
8. Obama's job aid plan - $10,000 to $13,000 in assistance for entrepreneurship (time.com)
172 points by GBond on Sept 12, 2011 | 167 comments
9. One-electron universe (wikipedia.org)
169 points by ColinWright on Sept 12, 2011 | 100 comments
10. Google Bought Me: The First Two Days (falconindy.com)
153 points by keyist on Sept 12, 2011 | 29 comments
11. A curated catalog of iOS frameworks (iosframeworks.com)
149 points by danielh on Sept 12, 2011 | 44 comments
12. 80% of People Quietly Despise Their Lives (howtosplitanatom.com)
141 points by wavephorm on Sept 12, 2011 | 87 comments
13. Nerdy Day Trips (nerdydaytrips.com)
137 points by jgrahamc on Sept 12, 2011 | 30 comments
14. Balsamiq : Salary Policy (balsamiq.com)
122 points by pirate_is_back on Sept 12, 2011 | 134 comments
15. Arrington now officially out (techcrunch.com)
119 points by hunterowens on Sept 12, 2011 | 58 comments
16. Posterous Swaps Blog Platform for Social Network (mashable.com)
105 points by bamazizi on Sept 12, 2011 | 29 comments
17. EVE Online Investment Scam Revealed (phaserinc.com)
97 points by gregtudor on Sept 12, 2011 | 62 comments
18. TestFlight SDK Released (testflightapp.com)
95 points by dmpatierno on Sept 12, 2011 | 17 comments
19. TodoMVC - A common demo application for popular JavaScript MVC frameworks (github.com/addyosmani)
91 points by brianshumate on Sept 12, 2011 | 10 comments
20. Are You Building The Right Product? (techcrunch.com)
87 points by SmilingRob on Sept 12, 2011 | 16 comments
21. Caml Trading: Experiences in Functional Programming on Wall Street (janestreetcapital.com)
85 points by frr149 on Sept 12, 2011 | 24 comments
22. 10gen raises $20m for MongoDB (techcrunch.com)
94 points by nosh on Sept 12, 2011 | 23 comments
23. Pandas 0.4 (Python data analysis library) released (sourceforge.net)
84 points by wesm on Sept 12, 2011 | 11 comments
24. YC Office Hours with PG and Harj (ustream.tv)
78 points by fbuilesv on Sept 12, 2011 | 19 comments
25. CSS: Taking control of the cascade (37signals.com)
77 points by joshuacc on Sept 12, 2011 | 20 comments
26. The Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerbergs of the future (nymag.com)
76 points by emilepetrone on Sept 12, 2011 | 15 comments
27. Saipan claims ComputerLand founder owes taxes (yahoo.com)
76 points by vipivip on Sept 12, 2011 | 49 comments
28. Noca - Payments Simplified (noca.com)
75 points by zengr on Sept 12, 2011 | 73 comments
29. HTML5 compatibility on mobile and tablet browsers (mobilehtml5.org)
73 points by anandiyer on Sept 12, 2011 | 13 comments
30. YC Office Hours at TC Disrupt [Live] (techcrunch.com)
73 points by tilt on Sept 12, 2011 | 43 comments

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