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“We're Good People, and We Care” Balsamiq Updates the “About Us” Page (balsamiq.com)
2 points by frans on Dec 29, 2021 | past
Balsamiq: Looking Back at 2018 (balsamiq.com)
2 points by DVassallo on May 22, 2019 | past
Balsamiq wireframing tool goes web-native (No Flash) (balsamiq.com)
2 points by garrettdimon on Oct 23, 2017 | past
[Case Study] Becoming a One Person Software Business (balsamiq.com)
2 points by xweb on April 21, 2017 | past
Peldi’s 15 Tips for Public Speaking (balsamiq.com)
1 point by charlieirish on Sept 24, 2015 | past
Balsamiq Mockups 3 (Public Beta) (balsamiq.com)
4 points by Devolver on Feb 7, 2015 | past
Thoughts on software piracy (balsamiq.com)
1 point by nichochar on May 8, 2014 | past
Balsamiq Mockups - Rapid Wireframing Tool (balsamiq.com)
1 point by gprasanth on July 11, 2013 | past
Balsamiq 2.2 is here (balsamiq.com)
105 points by benackles on Sept 13, 2012 | past | 37 comments
MyBalsamiq reaches $200,000 in total revenue ($40K/month) - congrats (balsamiq.com)
2 points by ricg on July 10, 2012 | past | 2 comments
Balsamiq Mockups Now Integrates with Google Drive. (balsamiq.com)
2 points by shinvee on April 30, 2012 | past | 1 comment
How to apologise to your customers (balsamiq.com)
105 points by revorad on April 3, 2012 | past | 27 comments
Balsamiq integrates with UX.StackExchange.com (balsamiq.com)
395 points by asder1 on Feb 27, 2012 | past | 28 comments
What should I make for dinner? (balsamiq.com)
1 point by duck on Nov 15, 2011 | past
MyBalsamiq (mockups web app) launches (balsamiq.com)
3 points by joshuacc on Nov 10, 2011 | past
Show HN: myBalsamiq, the web app version of Balsamiq Mockups (balsamiq.com)
16 points by balsamiq on Nov 10, 2011 | past | 10 comments
Someone screwed Balsamiq website (balsamiq.com)
1 point by protez on Oct 5, 2011 | past | 1 comment
Songs for Entrepreneurs (balsamiq.com)
17 points by revorad on Sept 15, 2011 | past | 12 comments
Balsamiq and profit sharing. Should be read alongside Balsamiq on salary. (balsamiq.com)
71 points by marklittlewood on Sept 12, 2011 | past | 19 comments
Balsamiq : Salary Policy (balsamiq.com)
122 points by pirate_is_back on Sept 12, 2011 | past | 134 comments
Our Vacation Policy: Take Some (balsamiq.com)
137 points by joshuacc on Sept 9, 2011 | past | 112 comments
Pace, not Deadlines (balsamiq.com)
19 points by gtzi on Sept 7, 2011 | past | 8 comments
DigMyData: aha-nalytics (balsamiq.com)
10 points by sinzone on Sept 6, 2011 | past | 13 comments
Creating a Lovable Bureaucracy that Works (balsamiq.com)
1 point by joshuacc on Aug 23, 2011 | past
Thoughts on software piracy. - Balsamiq.com blog (balsamiq.com)
1 point by creativeone on Aug 10, 2011 | past
Balsamiq drops Comic Sans (balsamiq.com)
1 point by joshuacc on July 20, 2011 | past | 2 comments
Amazing example of customer service (read the email thread) (Dec '10) (balsamiq.com)
1 point by mmelin on May 11, 2011 | past | 1 comment
Get Support via Screencast - Balsamiq's new approach to customer support (balsamiq.com)
1 point by joshuacc on April 5, 2011 | past
Balsamiq - Business of Software 2010 talk (balsamiq.com)
2 points by gspyrou on March 13, 2011 | past
Creating a Mac Menubar App for Pivotal Tracker (balsamiq.com)
1 point by tswicegood on Feb 17, 2011 | past

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