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Stories from August 13, 2008
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1. Y Combinator To Offer Standardized Angel Funding Legal Docs (techcrunch.com)
156 points by danielrhodes on Aug 13, 2008 | 45 comments
2. For Most People, College Is a Waste of Time (wsj.com)
113 points by epi0Bauqu on Aug 13, 2008 | 139 comments
3. The 404 Test: Wildly Brilliant or User Suicide? (dougpetkanics.com)
67 points by thedob on Aug 13, 2008 | 44 comments
4. Series AA Equity Financing Documents (ycombinator.com)
56 points by wave on Aug 13, 2008 | 7 comments
5. Ultimate Handbook for JQuery Hackers (effectize.com)
51 points by pierrefar on Aug 13, 2008 | 3 comments
6. Gearheads don't get it (37signals.com)
48 points by mooders on Aug 13, 2008 | 43 comments
7. Nine Deadly Startup Diseases—and How to Cure Them (sitepoint.com)
50 points by swombat on Aug 13, 2008 | 13 comments
8. 10 Unexpected Costs of Owning Things (almostfearless.com)
40 points by soundsop on Aug 13, 2008 | 20 comments
9. I'm putting on a Y Combinator panel at SXSW 09 and I'd like your vote (and feedback) (sxsw.com)
36 points by kn0thing on Aug 13, 2008 | 9 comments
10. Directed Edge (wheels' startup) launches public beta, finds related articles in Wikipedia (directededge.com)
36 points by wheels on Aug 13, 2008 | 17 comments
11. Posterous.com (YC summer 08) launches Video support (blog.posterous.com)
35 points by rantfoil on Aug 13, 2008 | 21 comments
12. What's Wrong with Western Music? Part III. "Passacaglia in Cm" (tinyrevolution.com)
32 points by initself on Aug 13, 2008 | 21 comments
13. Apple Now Worth More Than Google (macrumors.com)
29 points by sant0sk1 on Aug 13, 2008 | 9 comments
14. Why Outsourcing Sucks (diovo.com)
27 points by edw519 on Aug 13, 2008 | 20 comments
15. Data Mining 101: Finding Subversives with Amazon Wishlists (applefritter.com)
27 points by mattyfo on Aug 13, 2008 | 3 comments
16. The Art Of Braid: Creating A Visual Identity For An Unusual Game (gamasutra.com)
24 points by dhotson on Aug 13, 2008 | 2 comments
17. Study: The Pill Causes Women to Like Different Men (timesonline.co.uk)
24 points by DanielBMarkham on Aug 13, 2008 | 26 comments
18. Open source licenses upheld in US court (lessig.org)
24 points by swombat on Aug 13, 2008 | 2 comments
19. Ask HN: What is the job for a jack-of-all-trades?
23 points by BushyMark on Aug 13, 2008 | 19 comments
20. Ruby on Erlang (antarestrader.com)
18 points by luckystrike on Aug 13, 2008 | 7 comments
21. Don't Fear the URLs (heroku.com)
18 points by sant0sk1 on Aug 13, 2008 | 10 comments
22. HN: feedback on my image bookmarking website (imgfave.com)
17 points by grag on Aug 13, 2008 | 26 comments
23. Zapproved: A Lightweight Meeting Killer (readwriteweb.com)
16 points by qhoxie on Aug 13, 2008 | 4 comments
24. The Secret of Psalm 46 by Brian Moriarty (ludix.com)
15 points by antiform on Aug 13, 2008 | 5 comments
25. Are you capable of pink box testing? (neilbowers.wordpress.com)
15 points by alaskamiller on Aug 13, 2008 | 24 comments
26. Building your own memory manager for C/C++ projects (scribd.com)
14 points by soundsop on Aug 13, 2008 | 19 comments
27. Forget the Olympics. This is what everyone should be watching on TV. (youtube.com)
14 points by amichail on Aug 13, 2008 | 4 comments
28. Tripeedo: Command line for travel (from Wundrbar) (ajaxian.com)
14 points by garbowza on Aug 13, 2008 | 5 comments
29. Cool new language: Fan (fandev.org)
13 points by marketer on Aug 13, 2008 | 6 comments
30. Thank You Yahoo for YUI! (yahoo.com)
13 points by gibsonf1 on Aug 13, 2008 | 14 comments

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