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Stories from February 26, 2010
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1. A Big Case of Oops (hp.com)
395 points by wglb on Feb 26, 2010 | 99 comments
2. Perfect example of real-life hacking (futilitycloset.com)
208 points by ph0rque on Feb 26, 2010 | 41 comments
3. It's not bad to leave your laptop plugged in (marco.org)
166 points by garret on Feb 26, 2010 | 28 comments
4. Patriot Act Renewed Without Any New Civil Liberties Protections (eff.org)
135 points by CoryOndrejka on Feb 26, 2010 | 68 comments
5. Readability (arc90.com)
132 points by niyazpk on Feb 26, 2010 | 48 comments
6. The Awful Anti-Pirate System That Will Probably Work (jeff-vogel.blogspot.com)
121 points by jeff18 on Feb 26, 2010 | 119 comments
7. Peter Shankman / HARO Just Sent Me a Cease-and-Desist Letter. What Now? (ryanwaggoner.com)
95 points by ryanwaggoner on Feb 26, 2010 | 67 comments
8. Piano music visualized on a logarithmic spiral (youtube.com)
92 points by icey on Feb 26, 2010 | 17 comments
9. Pull the plug. Your battery will thank you (thisweekinbatteries.blogspot.com)
91 points by dmlorenzetti on Feb 26, 2010 | 49 comments
10. Get any a-Z char using only []()+{}/. in JavaScript (for XSS obfuscation) (ckers.org)
88 points by ronnier on Feb 26, 2010 | 46 comments
11. How to make yourself happier in just a few seconds (nih.gov)
75 points by bumbledraven on Feb 26, 2010 | 41 comments
12. Ask HN: What are you working on tonight?
75 points by dzlobin on Feb 26, 2010 | 234 comments
13. Huge iceberg breaks off Antarctica (bbc.co.uk)
75 points by yread on Feb 26, 2010 | 68 comments
14. Donald Knuth's First Computer (catonmat.net)
67 points by pkrumins on Feb 26, 2010 | 10 comments
15. What is Bayesianism? (lesswrong.com)
64 points by kf on Feb 26, 2010 | 10 comments
16. Ubuntu Python: raise an exception, import 190 modules (rhodesmill.org)
62 points by niyazpk on Feb 26, 2010 | 9 comments
17. Pirated vs. paying customers - this is what you get with a DVD (geek.com)
61 points by Tichy on Feb 26, 2010 | 10 comments
18. Flight radar - air space above Europe live (flightradar24.com)
57 points by yread on Feb 26, 2010 | 21 comments
19. Facebook Patents The Feed (allfacebook.com)
54 points by dmpayton on Feb 26, 2010 | 24 comments
20. TheSixtyOne.com's Jobs Page 'Voting Rings' Problem (thesixtyone.com)
53 points by rams on Feb 26, 2010 | 20 comments
21. How Digg Found a Way to Make Money (gigaom.com)
50 points by hshah on Feb 26, 2010 | 29 comments
22. Write for Code Quarterly (Peter Seibel's new "Hackademic Journal") (codequarterly.com)
46 points by mnemonik on Feb 26, 2010 | 7 comments
23. Ex-Googlers have invested in 200 startups since '05 & are just getting started (businessweek.com)
46 points by adamhowell on Feb 26, 2010 | 13 comments
24. I gave up a day job to make a living from online income (kreci.net)
44 points by kreci on Feb 26, 2010 | 41 comments
25. Real People. Real Reviews. Real Extortion Scheme? (wsj.com)
43 points by kolosy on Feb 26, 2010 | 39 comments
26. Code Quarterly -- The Hackademic Journal (codequarterly.com)
43 points by jashkenas on Feb 26, 2010 | 5 comments
27. Stop delegating. What you can learn from Joe DePinto, CEO of 7-eleven (inklingmarkets.com)
41 points by wglb on Feb 26, 2010 | 15 comments
28. Xtranormal -- Text-to-Movie "If you can type, you can make movies" (xtranormal.com)
41 points by staunch on Feb 26, 2010 | 12 comments
29. IPhone Plants vs Zombies Earns $1M in First Nine Days (gamasutra.com)
41 points by od on Feb 26, 2010 | 17 comments
30. Picurio (YC W09) unveils camera-in-browser for Mac/Safari (picurio.com)
37 points by prakash on Feb 26, 2010 | 26 comments

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