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Rich Hickey Q&A by Michael Fogus (codequarterly.com)
2 points by tosh on Dec 5, 2016 | past | 1 comment
Hal Abelson Q&A by Peter Seibel (codequarterly.com)
3 points by tosh on Dec 5, 2016 | past
Rich Hickey Q&A (2001) (codequarterly.com)
4 points by baself on Jan 5, 2016 | past | 1 comment
Hal Abelson Q&A (2011) (codequarterly.com)
1 point by dil8 on Oct 28, 2015 | past
Rich Hickey Q&A (2011?) (codequarterly.com)
1 point by momo-reina on Jan 7, 2015 | past
Hal Abelson Q&A (2011) (codequarterly.com)
1 point by zootar on Jan 22, 2014 | past
Doing programming (codequarterly.com)
1 point by krmboya on Oct 2, 2013 | past
Rich Hickey Interview (2011) (codequarterly.com)
1 point by jwdunne on Sept 16, 2013 | past
Code Quarterly's interview with Hal Abelson (codequarterly.com)
3 points by jasox on Dec 7, 2012 | past
Rich Hickey, Q&A (codequarterly.com)
2 points by akg on June 28, 2012 | past
Q&A with the creator of Clojure (codequarterly.com)
4 points by waynecolvin on June 18, 2011 | past
Interview with Hal Abelson on Code Quarterly (codequarterly.com)
94 points by gigamonkey on June 9, 2011 | past | 8 comments
Code Quarterly's Interview with Rich Hickey (codequarterly.com)
160 points by fogus on June 9, 2011 | past | 44 comments
Code Quarterly: The Hackademic Journal (codequarterly.com)
2 points by maw on Dec 7, 2010 | past
Announcing the inaugural Code Quarterly Code Challenge (codequarterly.com)
20 points by pietrofmaggi on Sept 1, 2010 | past | 2 comments
Code Quarterly code challenge (codequarterly.com)
3 points by vu3rdd on Sept 1, 2010 | past
Code Quarterly: Writer's Guidlines (codequarterly.com)
2 points by swannodette on May 12, 2010 | past
Code Quarterly - The Hackademic Journal (codequarterly.com)
18 points by Anon84 on May 6, 2010 | past | 1 comment
Write for Code Quarterly (Peter Seibel's new "Hackademic Journal") (codequarterly.com)
46 points by mnemonik on Feb 26, 2010 | past | 7 comments
Code Quarterly -- The Hackademic Journal (codequarterly.com)
43 points by jashkenas on Feb 26, 2010 | past | 5 comments

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