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Stories from October 20, 2012
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1. Simplify your life with an SSH config file (nerderati.com)
330 points by koide on Oct 20, 2012 | 83 comments
2. Billion laughs (wikipedia.org)
276 points by khet on Oct 20, 2012 | 63 comments
3. Google Voice lost my business number. How I got it back, and what I learned. (sultansolutions.com)
201 points by jjkmk on Oct 20, 2012 | 115 comments
4. Pirate Bay Founder Held In Solitary Confinement (torrentfreak.com)
161 points by nsns on Oct 20, 2012 | 59 comments
5. The Django Book is getting updated
158 points by tangue on Oct 20, 2012 | 27 comments
6. Single page apps in depth (new free book) (singlepageappbook.com)
151 points by EzGraphs on Oct 20, 2012 | 22 comments
7. Watch YC Startup School 2012 Live (startupschool.org)
146 points by dmor on Oct 20, 2012 | 87 comments
8. FBI Hack news on Hackernews is Fake
136 points by abhishekdelta on Oct 20, 2012 | 9 comments
9. SiteChat: a postmortem. Or, the rise and fall of a society. (burakkanber.com)
120 points by bkanber on Oct 20, 2012 | 21 comments
10. Ubuntu ported to the Nexus 7 (phoronix.com)
121 points by onosendai on Oct 20, 2012 | 66 comments
11. Why things fail (wired.com)
114 points by sbierwagen on Oct 20, 2012 | 18 comments
12. Confusing Crypto Blobs (daeken.com)
102 points by daeken on Oct 20, 2012 | 40 comments
13. Pastry: A distributed hash table in Go (secondbit.org)
97 points by paddyforan on Oct 20, 2012 | 70 comments
14. A Private Bus Company Debuts in Detroit (popularmechanics.com)
93 points by kshatrea on Oct 20, 2012 | 69 comments
15. Python on Android? First impressions of Kivy (archlinux.me)
90 points by googletron on Oct 20, 2012 | 10 comments
16. I am a statistician and I buy lottery tickets (simplexify.net)
87 points by olalonde on Oct 20, 2012 | 106 comments
17. Who is DDOSing GitHub and why?
86 points by pootch on Oct 20, 2012 | 66 comments
18. New Arduino released: the 32bit Due (wired.com)
81 points by zaaaaz on Oct 20, 2012 | 22 comments
19. Texter: Drawing with text using JavaScript and Canvas (tholman.com)
77 points by tholman on Oct 20, 2012 | 14 comments
20. Uiji.js is jQuery in reverse (aakilfernandes.com)
71 points by aakilfernandes on Oct 20, 2012 | 33 comments
21. Drowning Good Ideas with Bloat. The tale of pkg.m4. (tirania.org)
51 points by nkurz on Oct 20, 2012 | 16 comments
22. In origin-of-life experiment, cooperative molecules win out (arstechnica.com)
50 points by co_pl_te on Oct 20, 2012 | 12 comments
23. Inside the Mansion—and Mind—of Kim Dotcom (wired.com)
50 points by rkudeshi on Oct 20, 2012 | 7 comments
24. Carbon: high level programming language that compiles to plain C (kpn.nl)
48 points by flexterra on Oct 20, 2012 | 39 comments
25. Freemium Regret on the App Store (noisytyping.com)
41 points by kranner on Oct 20, 2012 | 33 comments
26. Computer Generated Math Paper makes it into Peer Reviewed Journal (marginalrevolution.com)
41 points by jhull on Oct 20, 2012 | 41 comments
27. Philip Roth: An Open Letter to Wikipedia (newyorker.com)
40 points by ezequiel-garzon on Oct 20, 2012 | 35 comments
28. Show HN: I travelled cross-country to Startup School only using YC apps (backspac.es)
38 points by zmitri on Oct 20, 2012 | 8 comments
29. French tax on startups (flirtatiouslabs.com)
37 points by VSerge on Oct 20, 2012 | 58 comments
30. Meet the man who’s beating Airbnb in Europe (gigaom.com)
36 points by iProject on Oct 20, 2012 | 8 comments

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