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Stories from March 27, 2007
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1. Why to Not Not Start a Startup (paulgraham.com)
99 points by palish on March 27, 2007 | 139 comments
2. Paul Buchheit: Did anyone else notice that TechStars and Y-Combinator have the same application? (paulbuchheit.blogspot.com)
25 points by paul on March 27, 2007 | 44 comments
3. Startup Age Of Success Stats For People in Founders At Work
17 points by staunch on March 27, 2007 | 7 comments
4. Man with a Cam: SFGate on Justin (sfgate.com)
11 points by far33d on March 27, 2007 | 8 comments
5. How to beat Google, part I (skrenta.com)
11 points by pietro on March 27, 2007 | 3 comments
6. Justin.tv on real TV: CBS 5 interview (cbs5.com)
11 points by RyanGWU82 on March 27, 2007 | 2 comments
7. Scaling YC: What's the limiting factor?
12 points by dfranke on March 27, 2007 | 14 comments
8. The Efficient Crank Call Tool (techcrunch.com)
10 points by brett on March 27, 2007 | 7 comments
9. Viral Marketing can go too far: How long until people stop trying to care? (nytimes.com)
8 points by e1ven on March 27, 2007 | 6 comments
10. Valleywag on Justin.tv (valleywag.com)
6 points by Readmore on March 27, 2007 | 2 comments
11. How NOT to recruit for your startup
7 points by dfranke on March 27, 2007 | 10 comments
12. Study of facebook messaging patterns by HP Labs (hp.com)
6 points by danw on March 27, 2007 | 4 comments
13. Cost breaks help get Web businesses going (chicagotribune.com)
5 points by ulfstein on March 27, 2007 | 1 comment
14. why I cancelled my ETech presentations (headrush.typepad.com)
6 points by bootload on March 27, 2007 | 10 comments
15. Startup School 2007 - Audio Recordings (shedd.us)
6 points by Elfan on March 27, 2007 | 2 comments
16. Strategy Letter I: Ben and Jerry's vs. Amazon (joelonsoftware.com)
5 points by jamongkad on March 27, 2007
17. Colorblind Web Page Filter (wickline.org)
4 points by phil on March 27, 2007 | 1 comment
18. In 1992 Adobe Co-Founder Was Kidnapped at Gunpoint And Held For Ransom (latc.com)
4 points by staunch on March 27, 2007 | 2 comments
19. What Kind of Genius Are You? (See why age discrimination is a bad idea for more creative endeavors such as startups.) (wired.com)
4 points by amichail on March 27, 2007
20. Camels and Rubber Duckies (joelonsoftware.com)
4 points by jamongkad on March 27, 2007
21. BBC News article on startups: "young, talented web pioneers" (bbc.co.uk)
4 points by r7000 on March 27, 2007
22. John McCain learns a lesson. (techcrunch.com)
3 points by far33d on March 27, 2007
23. Releasing early with bugs: GrandCentral A Little Too Beta For Some (techcrunch.com)
3 points by brett on March 27, 2007 | 2 comments
24. The Importance of OpenID (socialdegree.com)
3 points by domp on March 27, 2007
25. Citizendium - Wikipedia founder's rival to wikipedia (citizendium.org)
3 points by immad on March 27, 2007 | 5 comments
26. Ask The VC - Location, Location, Location (askthevc.com)
3 points by danielha on March 27, 2007
27. YouTube to launch mobile website soon (gigaom.com)
3 points by danielha on March 27, 2007 | 1 comment
28. MusicPlusTV.com - Broadcast TV for Web Era (readwriteweb.com)
3 points by staunch on March 27, 2007
29. Advertising Age: The post-advertising age (adage.com)
3 points by pg on March 27, 2007 | 1 comment
30. younanimous - The social search engine (younanimous.com)
3 points by pg on March 27, 2007

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