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Stories from April 18, 2010
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1. The Ultimate Guide To Getting Nowhere In Life (garyharan.com)
184 points by xutopia on April 18, 2010 | 86 comments
2. JWZ on iPhone OS development: "This is why I sell beer" (jwz.livejournal.com)
168 points by bensummers on April 18, 2010 | 40 comments
3. The secret to Farmville isn't gameplay or aesthetics (futureofthebook.org)
164 points by aditya on April 18, 2010 | 65 comments
4. Adam? …is there a reason your laptop is in the fridge? (kempa.com)
136 points by superberliner on April 18, 2010 | 38 comments
5. Optical illusion of motion (youtube.com)
131 points by Uncle_Sam on April 18, 2010 | 28 comments
6. Hundreds of math and science educational videos (khanacademy.org)
112 points by instantramen on April 18, 2010 | 24 comments
7. Mac and the iPad: History Repeats Itself (asktog.com)
110 points by mbrubeck on April 18, 2010 | 51 comments
8. Innovation in rail travel: The train that never stops at a station (youtube.com)
107 points by bensummers on April 18, 2010 | 39 comments
9. How I took my web-app to market in 3 days thanks to common services in the cloud (tawheedkader.com)
99 points by Tawheed on April 18, 2010 | 34 comments
10. Why the 13" MacBook Pro didn't get a Core i5 upgrade (arstechnica.com)
84 points by soundsop on April 18, 2010 | 24 comments
11. Dan Meyer dissects the flaws of math textbooks (video) (youtube.com)
81 points by anuleczka on April 18, 2010 | 54 comments
12. How WebKit Loads a Web Page (webkit.org)
79 points by sant0sk1 on April 18, 2010
13. Statistical Data Mining Tutorials (autonlab.org)
74 points by samratjp on April 18, 2010 | 2 comments
14. OCRopus: high-quality open source OCR sponsored by Google and used by reCAPTCHA (code.google.com)
68 points by henning on April 18, 2010 | 18 comments
15. Google Removes http:// from Chrome (osnews.com)
60 points by ckcin on April 18, 2010 | 68 comments
16. Google’s approach to scalable engineering (thebogles.com)
59 points by frognibble on April 18, 2010 | 8 comments
17. Google Doesn't Do Evil, But It Is Creepy (thepunch.com.au)
58 points by asimjalis on April 18, 2010 | 38 comments
18. Airbnb (YC S09) mobilizes to help stranded travelers (airbnb.com)
55 points by picasso81 on April 18, 2010 | 7 comments
19. The Renter’s Manifesto (mint.com)
52 points by limist on April 18, 2010 | 72 comments
20. Debunking the Myths of the Telecommute (nytimes.com)
52 points by edw519 on April 18, 2010 | 12 comments
21. Dear Apple: We miss you. (battellemedia.com)
50 points by rooshdi on April 18, 2010 | 9 comments
22. D-Term: Mac app to automatically contextualize command line with focused window (decimus.net)
46 points by mcantelon on April 18, 2010 | 11 comments
23. Comparison of DVCS hosting - Github, Bitbucket, Assembla, Unfuddle, Kiln & more (uggedal.com)
46 points by uggedal on April 18, 2010 | 29 comments
24. Beautiful doesn’t make it true (rtinseeba.ch)
45 points by mseebach on April 18, 2010 | 7 comments
25. Notifo (YC W10) adds Google Voice SMS notifications (notifo.com)
43 points by jazzychad on April 18, 2010 | 18 comments
26. How to think like a Pythonista (python.net)
45 points by mahipal on April 18, 2010 | 5 comments
27. Monads for Java/C++ programmers (irekjozwiak.com)
44 points by kunley on April 18, 2010 | 23 comments
28. Pure CSS: The "Back to the Future" logo (garron.us)
43 points by RiderOfGiraffes on April 18, 2010 | 16 comments
29. First, let's kill all the angels: Congress takes aim. (philstockworld.com)
42 points by failquicker on April 18, 2010 | 40 comments
30. Introducing SproutCore Touch (sproutcore.com)
42 points by sandofsky on April 18, 2010 | 5 comments

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