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Stories from May 29, 2018
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1. Thousands of AI researchers are boycotting the new Nature journal (theguardian.com)
805 points by HoppedUpMenace on May 29, 2018 | 221 comments
2. UTC Is Enough for Everyone, Right? (zachholman.com)
757 points by bpierre on May 29, 2018 | 304 comments
3. A security vulnerability in Git that can lead to arbitrary code execution (microsoft.com)
402 points by martinwoodward on May 29, 2018 | 83 comments
4. Read first pages of novels, and reveal the author and title if you're hooked (recommendmeabook.com)
469 points by gnomespaceship on May 29, 2018 | 121 comments
5. Possible BGP hijack of (bgpstream.com)
425 points by pstadler on May 29, 2018 | 150 comments
6. High school physics course notes, with JavaScript simulations (landgreen.github.io)
446 points by lilgreenland on May 29, 2018 | 64 comments
7. Facebook Tools Are Used to Screen Out Older Job Seekers, Lawsuit Claims (bloomberg.com)
362 points by uptown on May 29, 2018 | 348 comments
8. Evidence of regulatory capture of patent examiners (nber.org)
159 points by Gimpei on May 28, 2018 | 59 comments
9. Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days (2015) (ds26gte.github.io)
185 points by tempodox on May 28, 2018 | 26 comments
10. NPM proxy users receiving ERR 418 I'm a teapot (github.com/npm)
294 points by spondyl on May 29, 2018 | 252 comments
11. Show HN: Recursive Recipes – directions to make food from scratch (recursive.recipes)
250 points by qrv3w on May 29, 2018 | 75 comments
12. A new fast hash table in response to Google’s new fast hash table (probablydance.com)
390 points by chewxy on May 29, 2018 | 115 comments
13. Invisible asymptotes (eugenewei.com)
184 points by lpolovets on May 28, 2018 | 46 comments
14. Introducing Kepler.gl, an Open-Source Geospatial Toolbox (ubere.ng)
220 points by mvorwerck on May 29, 2018 | 22 comments
15. Shell Magic: Set Operations with uniq (deadvax.net)
178 points by cpitman on May 29, 2018 | 65 comments
16. The vgo proposal is accepted. Now what? (swtch.com)
158 points by stablemap on May 29, 2018 | 136 comments
17. I wrote a negative Yelp review and it made my life a nightmare (nypost.com)
467 points by ytNumbers on May 29, 2018 | 251 comments
18. Imgur launches video (techcrunch.com)
158 points by el_duderino on May 29, 2018 | 142 comments
19. Two Canadian banks say accounts compromised: CIBC 40,000 and BMO 50,000 (cbc.ca)
139 points by t1o5 on May 28, 2018 | 121 comments
20. Deno, a secure TypeScript runtime using V8 and Go (github.com/ry)
157 points by remyrylan on May 29, 2018 | 39 comments
21. How ‘Authentic Relating’ Made Vulnerability a Movement (2017) (theatlantic.com)
113 points by wallflower on May 29, 2018 | 98 comments
22. Pwned Passwords in Practice: Real World Examples of Blocking the Worst Passwords (troyhunt.com)
190 points by robin_reala on May 29, 2018 | 87 comments
23. PS4-5.05-Kernel-Exploit: A fully implemented kernel exploit for the PS4 (github.com/cryptogenic)
181 points by axiomdata316 on May 28, 2018 | 49 comments
24. Pushing the Limits of IPFS and OrbitDB (mrh.io)
104 points by markhenderson on May 28, 2018 | 33 comments
25. Vermont passes first law to crack down on data brokers (techcrunch.com)
159 points by anigbrowl on May 28, 2018 | 92 comments
26. To Yarn and Back to Npm Again (mixmax.com)
164 points by wearhere on May 29, 2018 | 48 comments
27. Will Kubernetes Collapse Under the Weight of Its Complexity? (influxdata.com)
205 points by tim_sw on May 28, 2018 | 209 comments
28. Show HN: SugarTeX – readable LaTeX language extension and transcompiler to LaTeX (github.com/kiwi0fruit)
53 points by kiwi0fruit on May 28, 2018 | 49 comments
29. NetBSD: a new version of the CDDL dtrace and ZFS code (github.com/netbsd)
92 points by algorithm314 on May 29, 2018 | 5 comments
30. Middle name initials enhance evaluations of intellectual performance (2014) (wiley.com)
179 points by dmichulke on May 29, 2018 | 92 comments

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