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Read first pages of novels, and reveal the author and title if you're hooked (recommendmeabook.com)
4 points by axiomdata316 26 days ago | past | 1 comment
Find a new book by reading the first pages of random of novels (recommendmeabook.com)
3 points by atombender on July 27, 2022 | past
Read first pages of novels, and reveal the author and title if you're hooked (recommendmeabook.com)
469 points by gnomespaceship on May 29, 2018 | past | 121 comments
Recommend me a book (recommendmeabook.com)
3 points by sillysaurus3 on June 18, 2017 | past
Read the first page of a book without judging the cover (recommendmeabook.com)
1 point by artsandsci on June 12, 2017 | past
Sample a book without judging it by its cover (recommendmeabook.com)
3 points by halgir on May 29, 2017 | past | 1 comment

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