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The Good, the Bad, the Web Components (zachleat.com)
2 points by robin_reala 5 months ago | past
Netlify's disingenuous survey-based attack on Next.js (and eleventy, too) (zachleat.com)
36 points by stigi 6 months ago | past | 37 comments
Netlify's Disingenuous Survey-Based Attack on Next.js (and Eleventy, Too) (zachleat.com)
5 points by cdme 6 months ago | past
The Tension and Future of Jamstack (zachleat.com)
1 point by dphuang2 7 months ago | past
An attempted taxonomy of web components (zachleat.com)
68 points by marban 7 months ago | past | 5 comments
A New Technique for Image Optimization: SVG Short Circuiting (zachleat.com)
1 point by gslin 7 months ago | past
Which Static Site Generator Builds Markdown the Fastest? (zachleat.com)
2 points by bundie 10 months ago | past | 1 comment
Feels like there are a lot of things going unsaid in the Gatsby.js community (zachleat.com)
6 points by microflash 10 months ago | past | 1 comment
The Next Phase of Eleventy: Return of the Side Project (zachleat.com)
1 point by cdme on June 23, 2023 | past
Netlify is no longer sponsoring full-time development on 11ty (zachleat.com)
7 points by gyanreyer on June 21, 2023 | past
The Next Phase of Eleventy (zachleat.com)
2 points by markhaslam on June 20, 2023 | past
Defaulting on Single Page Applications (zachleat.com)
122 points by 0xblinq on March 27, 2023 | past | 124 comments
The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023 (zachleat.com)
1 point by tnorthcutt on March 3, 2023 | past
A Historical Reference of React Criticism (zachleat.com)
2 points by cellover on March 2, 2023 | past
The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023 (zachleat.com)
1 point by mdhb on Feb 24, 2023 | past
A Historical Reference of React Criticism (zachleat.com)
1 point by legrande on Feb 9, 2023 | past
A Historical Reference of React Criticism (zachleat.com)
1 point by nishs on Feb 8, 2023 | past
A Historical Reference of React Criticism–Zachleat.com (zachleat.com)
5 points by tambourine_man on Feb 6, 2023 | past
The many definitions of Server-Side Rendering (zachleat.com)
2 points by fagnerbrack on Sept 6, 2022 | past
The many definitions of Server-Side Rendering (zachleat.com)
1 point by 0xbkt on June 23, 2022 | past
Building an Automated Screenshot Service on Netlify in ~140 Lines of Code (zachleat.com)
2 points by tosh on April 5, 2022 | past
Semverflation: A new software metric proposal (zachleat.com)
1 point by cjlm on April 4, 2022 | past
Trailing slashes on URLs: Contentious or settled? (zachleat.com)
95 points by josephscott on Jan 25, 2022 | past | 71 comments
Eleventy v1.0.0, the Stable Release (zachleat.com)
2 points by feross on Jan 20, 2022 | past
The Art of Deception, Lighthouse score edition (zachleat.com)
11 points by potench on Oct 20, 2021 | past | 1 comment
Rainglow: A Demo of Eleventy Serverless (zachleat.com)
1 point by cjlm on July 16, 2021 | past
Queue Code–“live” code without errors (zachleat.com)
1 point by feross on March 8, 2021 | past
I’m Taking Ownership of My Tweets (2019) (zachleat.com)
4 points by breck on Feb 16, 2021 | past
Barebones CSS for Fluid Images (zachleat.com)
1 point by nkjoep on Feb 5, 2021 | past
I Added Lighthouse Scores to My Site’s Footer and You Can Too (zachleat.com)
2 points by irontinkerer on July 31, 2020 | past

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