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Planetocopia (2010) (worlddreambank.org)
1 point by OgsyedIE 3 months ago | past
The Outsiders (1987) (worlddreambank.org)
2 points by yamrzou on Nov 28, 2022 | past
What if we inversed the land and the sea? (worlddreambank.org)
1 point by bo0tzz on April 10, 2019 | past
Mars Reborn. A portrait of a possible Mars one thousand years from now (worlddreambank.org)
3 points by fauria on Feb 3, 2018 | past
The Outsiders (1987) (worlddreambank.org)
35 points by Petiver on March 21, 2016 | past | 7 comments
Prodigies' oddities (1994) (worlddreambank.org)
2 points by wolfgke on Jan 31, 2015 | past
Welcome to Inversia (worlddreambank.org)
1 point by dalek2point3 on Nov 19, 2014 | past
The Outsiders (1987) (worlddreambank.org)
38 points by wolfgke on Sept 15, 2014 | past | 4 comments
Futures: 1000 years, three worlds, same day (worlddreambank.org)
56 points by arethuza on May 30, 2014 | past | 15 comments
The Learnable Instrument (2001) (worlddreambank.org)
1 point by nileshtrivedi on April 17, 2014 | past

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