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Why MVNOs Will Be the First to Embrace a Public Cloud-Hosted Model (wirelessweek.com)
1 point by ksec on June 13, 2018 | past
Why Latency Management Will Decide the Future of the IoT (wirelessweek.com)
2 points by jeroenplug on Nov 20, 2017 | past
California Governor Vetoes Statewide 5G Antenna Standards (wirelessweek.com)
55 points by ashitlerferad on Oct 21, 2017 | past | 57 comments
Thousands of Verizon Customers Report Unexplained Surge in Data Usage (wirelessweek.com)
6 points by unclebucknasty on Sept 24, 2016 | past
Evolution or Revolution? The Impact of Open Source on Communication Providers (wirelessweek.com)
1 point by AJAlabs on May 14, 2016 | past
Report: Consumers Spend Over 4M Hours Waiting on Content Transfers (wirelessweek.com)
1 point by evuef on Jan 29, 2016 | past
Why the Feds are Singling Out T-Mobile for SMS Fraud (wirelessweek.com)
1 point by busyb on July 2, 2014 | past
Verizon CEO: “Eventually, Unlimited has to Go Away” (wirelessweek.com)
3 points by doctorshady on Jan 30, 2014 | past
Patent Pirates & the Duel with Android (wirelessweek.com)
1 point by packetlss on Aug 17, 2011 | past
Thunderbolt Coming to Verizon - First LTE Phone (wirelessweek.com)
1 point by webb on Jan 25, 2011 | past
Nook Surpasses Kindle in March Sales (wirelessweek.com)
1 point by smakz on April 26, 2010 | past

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