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Data from my game Polymer (units, rankings, sales, etc.) (whitakerblackall.com)
1 point by whitakr on Oct 11, 2012 | past
Things I Learned About Programming . . . by Programming (whitakerblackall.com)
3 points by whitakr on March 2, 2012 | past
Music Theory For Beginners (part 2) (whitakerblackall.com)
115 points by dous on July 5, 2011 | past | 16 comments
My first six months of programming: from man-rodent to partyman (whitakerblackall.com)
179 points by nitefly on April 13, 2011 | past | 36 comments
Music Theory for Beginners: Rhythm (whitakerblackall.com)
2 points by daydream on April 10, 2011 | past
Rhythm for beginners (whitakerblackall.com)
65 points by alanfalcon on April 4, 2011 | past | 12 comments
Music Theory for Beginners (whitakerblackall.com)
382 points by r11t on March 15, 2011 | past | 107 comments

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