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Massively-Parallel Vector Graphics (2014) (w3.impa.br)
2 points by vg_head on Jan 20, 2022 | past
Converting stroked primitives to filled primitives (2020) (w3.impa.br)
64 points by vg_head on May 18, 2021 | past | 7 comments
2D Vector Graphics Course (w3.impa.br)
1 point by vg_head on May 14, 2021 | past
Massively-Parallel Vector Graphics (w3.impa.br)
2 points by vg_head on Oct 28, 2020 | past
Massively-Parallel Vector Graphics Samples (w3.impa.br)
1 point by joe5150 on Aug 10, 2017 | past

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