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Matryoshka and Binary vectors: Slash vector search costs with Vespa (vespa.ai)
2 points by cmcollier 69 days ago | past
Advent of Tensors 2023 – 24 challenges (vespa.ai)
3 points by jkb79 7 months ago | past | 1 comment
Big data search engine Vespa secured 31M USD Series-A investment (vespa.ai)
3 points by vissidarte_choi 7 months ago | past | 3 comments
Don't use ANN for vector search in personal data (vespa.ai)
1 point by RealJon 8 months ago | past
Vespa.ai is spinning out of Yahoo as a separate company (vespa.ai)
351 points by bratao 9 months ago | past | 134 comments
Building Billion-Scale Vector Search (vespa.ai)
3 points by kordlessagain 9 months ago | past
Search.vespa.ai (vespa.ai)
3 points by cmcollier 9 months ago | past
Billion-scale vector search with Vespa – part one (2021) (vespa.ai)
1 point by softwaredoug 9 months ago | past
Query Time Constrained Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (vespa.ai)
1 point by kevin_hu 10 months ago | past
Accelerating Transformer-Based Embedding Retrieval with Vespa (vespa.ai)
2 points by jkb79 10 months ago | past
Vespa AI by Yahoo – Vector and Structured Search Engine (vespa.ai)
3 points by Zaheer on April 12, 2023 | past
Customizing Reusable Frozen ML-Embeddings with Vespa (vespa.ai)
1 point by jkb79 on March 31, 2023 | past
Revolutionizing Semantic Search with Multi-Vector HNSW Indexing in Vespa (vespa.ai)
10 points by reerdna on March 29, 2023 | past | 1 comment
Improving Search Ranking with Few-Shot Prompting of LLMs (vespa.ai)
2 points by gardenfelder on Feb 4, 2023 | past
Building Billion-Scale Vector Search – Part One (vespa.ai)
1 point by boyter on Oct 10, 2022 | past
Building a billion-scale vector search solution without breaking the bank (vespa.ai)
2 points by jkb79 on Oct 7, 2022 | past
Vespa – the big data serving engine (vespa.ai)
2 points by thunderbong on Sept 6, 2022 | past
Vespa 8 released – An open source alternative to Elasticsearch (vespa.ai)
2 points by bratao on June 29, 2022 | past
Billion-scale vector search with Vespa – part one (vespa.ai)
2 points by ksec on March 5, 2022 | past
Building a Billion-scale vector search (vespa.ai)
22 points by bratao on Jan 27, 2022 | past
Machine-learned model serving at scale (vespa.ai)
1 point by bratao on Jan 17, 2022 | past
Billion-scale vector search with Vespa – part one (vespa.ai)
2 points by ksec on Dec 20, 2021 | past
Billion-scale vector search with Vespa (vespa.ai)
3 points by bratao on Dec 5, 2021 | past
Billion-scale vector search using binary-coded representations (vespa.ai)
10 points by jkb79 on Dec 4, 2021 | past
Vespa Cloud with Free Trial (vespa.ai)
2 points by ntonozzi on June 7, 2021 | past
From research to production: scaling a state-of-the-art machine learning system (vespa.ai)
1 point by bratao on Nov 18, 2020 | past
ANN support announced in Vespa.ai: Vector and filters and text search at scale (vespa.ai)
2 points by RealJon on July 7, 2020 | past
Using BERT for relevance ranking with Vespa (vespa.ai)
2 points by bratao on July 4, 2020 | past
Creating an Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (vespa.ai)
3 points by bratao on July 1, 2020 | past
Vespa.ai February Product Updates (vespa.ai)
2 points by bratao on March 2, 2020 | past

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