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Breakthrough in Anode Electrode Materials for Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo 12 days ago | past | discuss
Towards Next-Gen Functional Materials: Direct Observation of Electron Transfer (tus.ac.jp)
10 points by rustoo 22 days ago | past
New Materials Discovered for High-Performance Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo 3 months ago | past
New Processor Achieves Remarkable Speedup in Problem Solving (tus.ac.jp)
1 point by rustoo 3 months ago | past
Flexible Artificial Intelligence Optoelectronic Sensors Toward Health Monitoring (tus.ac.jp)
1 point by rustoo 3 months ago | past
Oxytocin: The love hormone that holds the key to better memory (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by geox 4 months ago | past
Hybrid Machine Learning Method Boosts Resolution of Electrical Impedance (tus.ac.jp)
1 point by rustoo 5 months ago | past
Revolutionizing Real-Time Data Processing with Edge Computing and Reservoir Tech (tus.ac.jp)
3 points by rustoo 5 months ago | past
Theoretical Framework Unlocks Mysteries of Synchronization in Turbulent Dynamics (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo 6 months ago | past
Revolutionary Seaweed, Carbonated Water Based Hydrogel for Treating Skin Wounds (tus.ac.jp)
1 point by rustoo 6 months ago | past
AI-Powered Crab Gender Identification: Revolutionizing Fishery Management (tus.ac.jp)
1 point by rustoo 7 months ago | past
Accelerating the Phase Identification of Multiphase Mixtures with Deep Learning (tus.ac.jp)
3 points by rustoo 7 months ago | past
Shaping Hard Carbon Electrodes for Next-Generation Batteries (tus.ac.jp)
1 point by rustoo 7 months ago | past
Evaluating the Shear Viscosity of Different Water Models (tus.ac.jp)
1 point by rustoo 9 months ago | past
Innovative Wearable Sensor for Measuring Sweat Lactate Levels During Exercise (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo 11 months ago | past
AI Nursing Ethics: Viability of Robots and Artificial Intelligence in Nursing (tus.ac.jp)
29 points by rustoo 11 months ago | past | 16 comments
Redox-based transistor as a reservoir system for neuromorphic computing (tus.ac.jp)
25 points by rustoo 12 months ago | past
Exploring Differences in Elite Mobility During the Meiji Restoration (tus.ac.jp)
3 points by rustoo on Feb 13, 2023 | past
Beyond Lithium: Promising Cathode Material for Magnesium Rechargeable Batteries (tus.ac.jp)
3 points by rustoo on Feb 10, 2023 | past
Repeated psychological stress linked with irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms (tus.ac.jp)
37 points by rustoo on Jan 3, 2023 | past | 4 comments
Perturbing the Bernoulli Shift Map in Binary Systems (tus.ac.jp)
3 points by rustoo on Nov 2, 2022 | past
Derivative of Oxytocin Improves Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer's (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by gmays on Oct 25, 2022 | past | 1 comment
Controlled Fabrication of Multimetallic Building Blocks for Hybrid Nanomaterials (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo on June 13, 2022 | past
Hydrogen Peroxide from Tea and Coffee Residue: New Pathway to Sustainability (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo on June 10, 2022 | past
Ionic Liquid-Based Reservoir Computing: The Key to Efficient Edge Computing (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo on May 1, 2022 | past
Revealing Similarities and Differences Between Languages Through Network Science (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo on April 16, 2022 | past
A drug that cures alcoholism may be the next anti-anxiety medication (tus.ac.jp)
197 points by rustoo on April 16, 2022 | past | 173 comments
Understanding the Use of Bicycle Sharing Systems with Statistics (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo on April 7, 2022 | past
Fixing an Inherent Problem in Next-Generation Magnetic RAM (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo on March 18, 2022 | past
Optimizing Power Consumption Estimation in Commercial Buildings (tus.ac.jp)
2 points by rustoo on March 2, 2022 | past

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