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The reality about chromebooks and schools (tomstechblog.com)
4 points by _juof on May 11, 2011 | past
Blackberry Playbook Selling Well After All? Not So Fast… (tomstechblog.com)
2 points by TomOfTTB on April 21, 2011 | past
I’m Not Sure Steve Jobs Is All That Sick…But He Also Might Not Come Back (tomstechblog.com)
1 point by TomOfTTB on Jan 17, 2011 | past
Paul Buchheit’s Prediction Is More Of A Warning (tomstechblog.com)
37 points by TomOfTTB on Dec 14, 2010 | past | 26 comments
Drama 2 Where R U? (tomstechblog.com)
1 point by TomOfTTB on Oct 4, 2009 | past
Dear Developers, We Think You’re Idiots, XOXO...Microsoft (tomstechblog.com)
26 points by SamAtt on Sept 24, 2009 | past | 32 comments
Henry Blodget is a Dope (tomstechblog.com)
13 points by SamAtt on May 29, 2009 | past | 9 comments
A Reluctant Argument Against Putting Content Online (tomstechblog.com)
1 point by TomOfTTB on Feb 10, 2009 | past | 1 comment
Why Davos Never Produces Anything Useful (tomstechblog.com)
5 points by revorad on Feb 2, 2009 | past
My Dell Rant (aka The Worst Customer Service Ever) (tomstechblog.com)
1 point by TomOfTTB on Dec 4, 2008 | past
Y Combinator Pushes The Envelope (tomstechblog.com)
6 points by bootload on July 20, 2008 | past | 14 comments
Google App Engine: Free and still barely worth it (tomstechblog.com)
23 points by randomhack on April 11, 2008 | past | 19 comments

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