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Philosophy (2021) (susanrigetti.com)
1 point by Tomte 53 days ago | past | 1 comment
So You Want to Study Mathematics (susanrigetti.com)
5 points by talonx 10 months ago | past
So you want to learn physics (2021) (susanrigetti.com)
528 points by weird_science 10 months ago | past | 161 comments
So You Want to Learn Physics (2021) (susanrigetti.com)
1 point by lrsjng on June 8, 2023 | past
So You Want to Learn Physics (2021) (susanrigetti.com)
1 point by Tomte on April 13, 2022 | past
So you want to study mathematics (susanrigetti.com)
604 points by musgravepeter on March 7, 2022 | past | 359 comments
So You Want to Study Philosophy (susanrigetti.com)
174 points by Tomte on Aug 31, 2021 | past | 162 comments
So You Want to Learn Physics (susanrigetti.com)
4 points by Tomte on Aug 7, 2021 | past
So You Want to Study Philosophy (susanrigetti.com)
2 points by Tomte on April 29, 2021 | past
So You Want to Learn Physics (susanrigetti.com)
1 point by Tomte on April 29, 2021 | past
So You Want to Study Philosophy (susanrigetti.com)
2 points by susanrigetti on April 28, 2021 | past
So You Want to Learn Physics, Second Edition (susanrigetti.com)
6 points by susanrigetti on April 21, 2021 | past | 3 comments

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