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The Jetty 12 Adapter for Clojure Ring, and a Decade of a Custom Ring Adapter (sunng.info)
3 points by sunng 10 months ago | past
Writing library for both Clojure and ClojureScript (sunng.info)
2 points by neat159 on May 25, 2016 | past
Clojure Microservice Architecture With Slacker Cluster (sunng.info)
2 points by sunng on July 8, 2014 | past
Shake: Every Program Can Be a Clojure Function (sunng.info)
79 points by sunng on Sept 21, 2012 | past | 25 comments
My favorite feature in leiningen 2 (sunng.info)
2 points by sunng on March 21, 2012 | past
Python’s Valentines Day Gift to Clojure (sunng.info)
80 points by sunng on Feb 14, 2012 | past | 12 comments
Using Google closure library with ClojureScript (sunng.info)
2 points by sunng on Aug 5, 2011 | past
Reddit.clj, clojure for reddit (sunng.info)
2 points by sunng on July 26, 2011 | past
Jip.embed: On-the-fly classpath resolution for Jython (sunng.info)
2 points by sunng on June 10, 2011 | past
HeatCanvas is a heat map for web browser, written with Canvas and WebWorker. (sunng.info)
20 points by sunng on June 3, 2011 | past | 7 comments
Convert a Python function to Java anonymous class (sunng.info)
2 points by sunng on April 29, 2011 | past
Gefr: WSGI on Jython (sunng.info)
2 points by sunng on April 9, 2011 | past

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