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The electronic and economic mass surveillance of GAFAM [pdf] (standblog.org)
2 points by laphony on Nov 26, 2019 | past
Why I'm joining Cozy Cloud – hint: personal cloud matters (standblog.org)
18 points by gelnior on March 11, 2015 | past | 4 comments
Mozilla awards grants to six international non-profit organizations (standblog.org)
1 point by Tsiolkovsky on Feb 6, 2012 | past
This photograph is free (standblog.org)
530 points by aclark on Jan 11, 2012 | past | 143 comments
Mozilla is changing (standblog.org)
4 points by rkwz on July 20, 2011 | past
How is Firefox different from other browsers - Standblog (standblog.org)
3 points by twapi on Dec 14, 2010 | past
In the economy of things, sharing means dividing. In the economy of ideas, ... (standblog.org)
7 points by curtis on May 28, 2009 | past
About Generativity (standblog.org)
2 points by mcxx on May 20, 2009 | past | 1 comment
Making video a first class citizen of the Web (standblog.org)
5 points by sant0sk1 on April 22, 2009 | past | 1 comment
The (not so) hidden goals of Prism, AIR and Silverlight (standblog.org)
16 points by iamelgringo on March 29, 2008 | past | 3 comments

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