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Idiomatic Go (shuralyov.com)
2 points by saikatsg on Nov 9, 2022 | past
A half-hour to learn Go (2020) (shuralyov.com)
4 points by tosh on May 9, 2021 | past
A half-hour to learn Go (shuralyov.com)
5 points by todotask on March 2, 2020 | past
Rendering a Triangle with Apple's Metal API, using Go (shuralyov.com)
1 point by grey-area on Sept 22, 2019 | past
Rendering a Triangle with Apple's Metal API, Using Go (shuralyov.com)
2 points by dmitshur on June 21, 2018 | past
Idiomatic Go (shuralyov.com)
3 points by amzans on May 28, 2018 | past | 1 comment
Custom JSON unmarshaler for a GraphQL client (shuralyov.com)
2 points by dmitshur on Jan 19, 2018 | past
Running gofmt in Browser with 10 Lines of Code (Using GopherJS) (shuralyov.com)
7 points by dmitshur on Aug 1, 2017 | past
Show HN: Replacing WordPress with GitHub Issues-like Blog Comments (shuralyov.com)
90 points by dmitshur on April 22, 2017 | past | 21 comments

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