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Möbius Printing Helper (shreevatsa.net)
2 points by Tomte 3 months ago | past | 1 comment
Möbius Printing Helper (shreevatsa.net)
1 point by _Microft 8 months ago | past
Breaking Pills (shreevatsa.net)
1 point by kamaraju 8 months ago | past
Reverse-Engineering the "Irish Logarithm" (shreevatsa.net)
2 points by simonpure 9 months ago | past
The TeX program: A program of study (shreevatsa.net)
3 points by bmer on Oct 18, 2022 | past
Möbius Printing Helper (shreevatsa.net)
276 points by tta on March 3, 2021 | past | 55 comments

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