| | Hollywood style crypto-specialists (rz.scale-it.pl) |
2 points by robert-zaremba on Feb 19, 2018 | past
| | Word of the day: Praxeology (rz.scale-it.pl) |
1 point by robert-zaremba on Feb 15, 2018 | past
| | PDF is not portable in the digital world (rz.scale-it.pl) |
27 points by robert-zaremba on July 5, 2017 | past | 47 comments
| | Essential values for Personal Development (rz.scale-it.pl) |
2 points by robert-zaremba on April 21, 2017 | past
| | Notes: Applied Machine Learning Days 2017 (rz.scale-it.pl) |
5 points by robert-zaremba on Feb 13, 2017 | past
| | Useful application challenge (rz.scale-it.pl) |
2 points by robert-zaremba on April 4, 2016 | past
| | A simple way for polymorphism and structured programming – Go interfaces (rz.scale-it.pl) |
2 points by robert-zaremba on Jan 21, 2015 | past
| | Frontend components in React and why not bother with MVC (rz.scale-it.pl) |
2 points by robert-zaremba on Oct 21, 2013 | past
| | Scala tutorial for programmers (rz.scale-it.pl) |
1 point by rohshall on Aug 19, 2013 | past
| | Which technology for realtime communication for a web application? (rz.scale-it.pl) |
2 points by robert-zaremba on April 30, 2013 | past
| | Which programming language you should use for a web backend (rz.scale-it.pl) |
3 points by robert-zaremba on March 8, 2013 | past | 5 comments
| | Wikipedia processing. PyPy vs CPython benchmark (rz.scale-it.pl) |
101 points by robert-zaremba on Feb 18, 2013 | past | 35 comments
| | Tornado - the best Python web framework (rz.scale-it.pl) |
8 points by robert-zaremba on Jan 25, 2013 | past | 3 comments
| | Donate your tool makers. (rz.scale-it.pl) |
2 points by yahazee on Jan 19, 2013 | past
| | The Python condition. Why PyPy is the future of Python (rz.scale-it.pl) |
4 points by andrevoget on Dec 19, 2012 | past
| | Why PyPy is the future of Python (rz.scale-it.pl) |
10 points by spdy on Dec 18, 2012 | past
| | Scala tutorial for programmers (rz.scale-it.pl) |
2 points by robert-zaremba on Dec 13, 2012 | past | 1 comment