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What is expected of a engineering manager? (rlmflores.me)
257 points by rlmflores on Oct 15, 2020 | past | 127 comments
Book review: Clojure Applied (rlmflores.me)
3 points by dudul on Feb 26, 2016 | past
Clojure Ecosystem (rlmflores.me)
2 points by rlmflores on Jan 2, 2016 | past
First steps in Clojure (rlmflores.me)
2 points by rlmflores on Nov 17, 2015 | past
8 Small Git tips (rlmflores.me)
33 points by rlmflores on April 1, 2015 | past | 4 comments
Letting Git bisect help you (rlmflores.me)
3 points by rlmflores on Dec 1, 2014 | past
Ruby Patterns: Webservice Object (rlmflores.me)
1 point by rlmflores on July 21, 2013 | past
Conference Speaker 101 (rlmflores.me)
2 points by rlmflores on May 31, 2012 | past
Why Choose StackOverflow Instead of Mailing Lists for Open Source support (rlmflores.me)
2 points by rlmflores on Jan 19, 2012 | past

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