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MiquMaxx: CPU Inference Hardware Build Guide (rentry.co)
2 points by DrPhish 9 days ago | past | discuss
MiquMaxx: CPU Inference Build Guide (rentry.co)
3 points by DrPhish 13 days ago | past | discuss
PcTattletale Writeup (rentry.co)
1 point by pcTT 39 days ago | past
GPT-4.5 or GPT-5 being tested on LMSYS? (rentry.co)
543 points by atemerev 68 days ago | past | 360 comments
The New Normal (Google SGE) (rentry.co)
1 point by throwaway888abc 81 days ago | past
[flagged] Rabbit Inc. Faked Their Demo (Again) (rentry.co)
34 points by not-chatgpt 3 months ago | past | 19 comments
Does Google crawl Usenet group content? (rentry.co)
3 points by tomb_carry 5 months ago | past
Manipulating Yourself for Fun and Profit (rentry.co)
2 points by nikhilisvalid 6 months ago | past | 1 comment
The Novice's LLM Training Guide (rentry.co)
2 points by whoami_nr 7 months ago | past
Programming Puzzles at CMU (rentry.co)
1 point by trashburger 7 months ago | past
How to get what you want out of llama2 without being censored (rentry.co)
1 point by behnamoh 9 months ago | past
Magical AI Chatbot Characters List (rentry.co)
1 point by wrdsmsh 9 months ago | past
How does quantisation affect model output? (rentry.co)
1 point by freediver 9 months ago | past
Hypernetwork Training for Dummies (rentry.co)
1 point by izwasm on Feb 14, 2023 | past
Top-Left Magic Corner Desktop Paradigm (rentry.co)
48 points by thastings on Feb 1, 2023 | past | 53 comments
List of 98 available 2-char .AX domains (rentry.co)
1 point by popcalc on Jan 31, 2023 | past
Zero-Cost Well-Defined Signed Integer Overflow in C++ (rentry.co)
21 points by signa11 on Dec 10, 2022 | past | 20 comments
List of Stable Diffusion resources (rentry.co)
164 points by theemathas on Nov 1, 2022 | past | 23 comments
DDoS Attack: Server Log (rentry.co)
2 points by altilunium on Aug 11, 2022 | past
The Superiority of Decentralized Credit (rentry.co)
2 points by cinolt on May 30, 2022 | past | 1 comment
curl https://rentry.co/ClearAsAService/raw (rentry.co)
1 point by psyfi on March 4, 2022 | past
Open Letter to MSFT DevDiv Leadership regarding dotnet watch (rentry.co)
18 points by drasticactions on Oct 25, 2021 | past | 2 comments
Microsoft's history in open-source, privacy and user hostility (rentry.co)
1 point by MichaelRust on July 9, 2021 | past
[flagged] Wayland: “Move fast and break things” as a moral imperative (rentry.co)
68 points by trashburger on May 23, 2021 | past | 98 comments
Concurrent Async Producers with ImmerJS (rentry.co)
3 points by priorityfill on March 16, 2021 | past
Budgie Is Worth a Try (rentry.co)
72 points by thastings on Feb 11, 2021 | past | 48 comments
How to utilize your Android when there's no internet? (rentry.co)
4 points by thastings on Feb 6, 2021 | past
Germany's Next Business Model (rentry.co)
1 point by ushakov on Sept 13, 2019 | past | 1 comment
Show HN: Rentry.co – Markdown-powered publishing service with preview (rentry.co)
7 points by wuterz on Oct 26, 2017 | past | 1 comment

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