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Hosting a nonprofit website for free with WordPress, Azure, and Terraform (reidburke.com)
1 point by reid on Feb 23, 2022 | past
Build Modules, Not Examples (reidburke.com)
4 points by reid on March 30, 2013 | past | 3 comments
Debugging Travis builds (reidburke.com)
1 point by reid on Jan 29, 2013 | past
Write Code That Works (reidburke.com)
3 points by reid on Sept 27, 2012 | past
Best Trumps Easy (reidburke.com)
1 point by reid on Sept 13, 2012 | past
When PHP Actually Is Your First Programming Language (reidburke.com)
30 points by reid on Oct 6, 2008 | past | 30 comments

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