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Using ARG in a Dockerfile – beware the gotcha (qmacro.org)
129 points by todsacerdoti 58 days ago | past | 84 comments
Exploring codespaces as temporary dev containers (qmacro.org)
3 points by todsacerdoti 5 months ago | past
Working from a Narrowboat – Internet Connectivity (qmacro.org)
2 points by jandeboevrie on Jan 18, 2023 | past
Array Push with Autovivification in Jq (qmacro.org)
1 point by EntICOnc on Dec 15, 2022 | past
More Untappd data explorations with jq – my top ranking beer types (part 1) (qmacro.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti on Nov 1, 2022 | past
Understanding jq's SQL style operators JOIN and INDEX (qmacro.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti on June 27, 2022 | past
Summing and Grouping Values with Jq (qmacro.org)
1 point by metadat on June 16, 2022 | past
JSON object values into CSV with jq (qmacro.org)
3 points by todsacerdoti on May 19, 2022 | past | 1 comment
Exploring GitHub repo name distribution with jq (qmacro.org)
1 point by todsacerdoti on May 9, 2022 | past
Converting Strings to Objects with Jq (qmacro.org)
9 points by todsacerdoti on May 7, 2022 | past | 4 comments
Exercism and Jq (qmacro.org)
2 points by LaSombra on March 1, 2022 | past
Exploring fff part 1 – main (qmacro.org)
57 points by signa11 on Sept 4, 2021 | past | 4 comments
Exploring fff part 1 – main (qmacro.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti on Sept 3, 2021 | past
Learning by rewriting – bash, jq and fzf details (qmacro.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti on Aug 26, 2021 | past
Unpacking Bash shell tips from a GitHub Actions workflow (qmacro.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti on May 10, 2021 | past
GitHub Actions Workflow Browser (qmacro.org)
4 points by todsacerdoti on April 24, 2021 | past | 2 comments
Tarpipe.com – Programming 2.0? (2009) (qmacro.org)
1 point by breck on March 24, 2021 | past
Fzf – the basics part 2 – search results (qmacro.org)
3 points by qmacro on Feb 8, 2021 | past
Fzf – the basics part 1 – layout (qmacro.org)
136 points by todsacerdoti on Feb 3, 2021 | past | 38 comments
Do less and do it better (qmacro.org)
2 points by quyleanh on Feb 2, 2021 | past | 1 comment
Do less and do it better (qmacro.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti on Feb 1, 2021 | past
Waiting for Jobs, and the Concept of the Shell (qmacro.org)
2 points by tomwas54 on Dec 28, 2020 | past
The myriad meanings of pwd in Unix systems (qmacro.org)
69 points by quyleanh on Nov 10, 2020 | past | 64 comments
The myriad meanings of pwd in Unix systems (qmacro.org)
2 points by qmacro on Nov 8, 2020 | past
“Computer Unit” – A PDP-11/34 at my school (1979) (qmacro.org)
36 points by qmacro on Nov 3, 2020 | past | 7 comments
Understanding Declare (qmacro.org)
1 point by qmacro on Oct 8, 2020 | past

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